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今年以来,全市牢牢把握“稳中求进、好中求快”的总基调,扭住项目建设这个关键不放松,适时启动重点项目建设,全市项目建设呈现出高潮迭起、强力推进的良好态势,取得了明显的阶段性成效,截至5月底,全市已开工建设重点项目160个、开工率为80%;完成投资167亿元,占该批项目年度计划400亿元的41.8%,占全年目标任务650亿元的25.7%,较去年同期完成全年目标任务提高了3个百分点,净增31亿元。成绩来之不易,这充分体现了全市上下奋力赶超、加快发展的意识强烈,充分体现了围绕中心、服务大局的信心坚定,充分体现了强化落实、狠抓项目的过硬作风。但我们也要清醒地看到,我市部分重点项目建设 Since the beginning of this year, the city has firmly grasped the general tone of “making progress steadily, seeking good and quick fast” and took the key to project construction and did not relax. The construction of key projects was promptly started. The project construction in the whole city showed a climax and a strong push forward Good situation, and achieved significant stage results, as of the end of May, the city has started the construction of key projects 160, the operating rate was 80%; completed an investment of 16.7 billion yuan, accounting for 41.8% of the project annual plan 40 billion yuan, accounting for The annual target of 25.7 billion yuan of tasks, 25.7% over the same period last year to complete the full year target tasks increased by 3 percentage points, a net increase of 3.1 billion. The achievements have not come by easily. This fully reflects the strong awareness of the city in catching up and speeding up and speeding up development. It fully demonstrates the confidence in surrounding the center and serving the overall situation and fully demonstrates the excellent style of strengthening and implementing the project and paying close attention to the project. However, we must also clearly see that some key projects of our city are under construction
HgI_2,CdTe及CdSe是较好的室温化合物半导体核探测器,特别是HgI_2,自七十年代初问世以来,在晶体的生长及探测器应用方面都取得了很大进展。目前,已生长 HgI 2, CdTe and Cd
[摘 要] 文化视野下,高职学校在素质教育过程中还存在很多问题,严重阻碍着高职学校人才的培养和发展。在教学过程中,只有将素质教育的内涵目标研究清楚,才能探索出有效的培养方式,才能帮助高职学校形成完整的教学体系。就文化视野下高职学生素质教育内涵目标与实践路径进行探索。  [关 键 词] 文化视野;高职;素质教育;内涵目标;实践路径  [中图分类号] G715 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 209
【摘要】 目的 探讨桥小脑角区小型占位致继发性三叉神经痛患者术后并发症的护理效果。方法 对我院在2010年02月到2013年03月收治的50例桥小脑角区小型占位致继发性三叉神经痛患者术后并发症的护理资料进行回顾性分析。结果 50例患者中并发面部麻木的患者占2例,并发小脑血肿的患者占2例,并发轻度面瘫的患者占1例,并发口唇疱疹症状的患者占2例,并发颅内低压症状的患者占3例,并发脑脊液漏症状的患者占1