American political system: merits and demerits

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  【Abstract】In this paper I will introduce the American political system briefly, then interpret its advantage and disadvantage. This paper will focus on the incredible political capital contribution and the Political Lobbying Industry, mainly in K street of Washington, which the general public is not familiar with.
  【Key words】American political system;funding system;lobbying industry;Washington K street
  I. Introduction
  American political system is a system of checks and balances established by the Constitution, which is meant to prevent any of the three branches from having too much power. Each branch has certain controls over the over branches.
  1.The background of American political culture
  The first and the most important difference between American and other countries is that it is an Idea State while most countries in the world are Nation State. As we can see in the movies, as long as you agree with the idea of this country, you can become an American. Only you agree with the idea of this country, you will be an American.
  The United States is a very diverse country. People from different nations gathered in new land, having the same dream or idea. Therefore, the democratic culture of the United States sprouted from the Mayflower.
  After America won its independence from Great Britain, they found the king and the government are both bad. So in the American political culture, there is a native distrust of government power.
  2.The separation of the three powers
  Constitution of the United States established the country’s political system that is a model of separation of the three powers. Within the national government, power is divided among three branches: the legislative branch - Congress, the executive branch - President, and the judicial branch – Federal courts.
  Constitution made sure that every power operates in a cage and these branches hold the keys of the cage to each other. As picture 1 shows.
  II. Merits and demerits of American political system
  Decentralization makes judicial (the courts), legislation (parliament), executive (administration) are mutually independent in the United States.
  1.The best thing - check and balances
  Separation of powers is to restrict power, prevent the abuse of power and prevent a state organ or personal dictatorship, thus ensuring national political stability.
  Montesquieu thought that all powerful people are easy to abuse of power, this is a difficult experience of all ages. If we let the same person or the same organ exercise the three powers, namely the right to make laws, imply public right and private criminal sanctions decision, everything will become confused.   We can take a safe and brief conclusion from above that the separation of three powers can establish a mutual supervision and ensure the system of check and balances, showing the superiority of collaboration. As picture 2 shows.
  2.The worst thing - low efficiency
  However, the three powers is not completely clear dividing line.
  The judicial authorities can use the power of interpretation of the constitution to change the actual judicial rules, so as to realize the functions of the so-called “second legislature”, or the so-called “shadow” legislation. As a result, the American legal rules can be carried out by an unelected institution changes.
  Sometimes, this is a good thing, such as the Supreme Court had ruled segregation is illegal, accelerating the social development. But this is not always good. The Court also once determined black may not marry whites.
  Actually, the legislative power is belong to the parliament. However, this “second legislation” behavior harms the parliament’s general work efficiency. This is a typical example of American political system’s low efficiency.
  The original model of separation of powers is: the legislature for the people and administrative authorities defined boundaries, and the judicial authority is charge of this line. However, due to the importance of the cases in Anglo-American law system, and the fuzziness of the constitution, the judiciary interference of executive and legislative means have already been abused.
  By the same token, the legislative branch can also interfere with the executive branch. For the principle of check and balance, the lower the efficiency of a branch, stakeholders will try to seek another branch to “quickly” to solve the problem. Once the latter formed practice, the power of branches will cross each other’s aspect, hindering their work.
  As picture 3 show,the gears can cooperate with each other, also can block each other.
  III. olitical capital contribution
  Political capital contribution is a unique phenomenon in western democracy political system.
  1.Background knowledge
  Political contributions, referring to provide free of movable property, real estate, not quite for payment, debt relief, or other economic interests for the campaign or other political activities engaged in by individuals or groups.
  2.s the political contribution equal to public bribery?
  If we think contributions and donations in representative democracy as legal corruption, then it is too shallow understanding of a complex system, and perhaps even some kind od misunderstanding.   On this issue, opinions such as “It is a tradition for decades. ” or “money point of view” actually simplify this complex system which has gotten a long-term evolution.
  The political contributions and donations which candidates who are running for office accepted will under the strict regulation. And must make public. In addition, the accepting donations is only used for the election, which can not be private.
  Actually, American political context trade her power for money is not limited in the political contributions. In fact, contributions are to specifications, can be open and transparent, but legislative restricted.
  A more serious problem is often difficult to specification limits. Such as the so-called “revolving door”, that is, senior American officials often become big business executives, getting high salary after retirement or defeat. And they always quit soon, then re-back to election. As picture 4 shows.
  IV. Political Lobbying
  Lobbying (also lobby) is the act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government, most often legislators or members of regulatory agencies.
  1.The background knowledge of political lobbying
  Lobbying, which derives from the “lobby” with the rest space, describing the lobbyists who are the representatives of interest groups waiting for politicians in government building hall, to sell their own position and attitude.
  In the 1970s, lobbying expanded as a huge industry. K street formed the industry cluster in Washington, letting the street became a synonym for lobbying industry. As shows.
  2.The lobbying: legal corruption or information exchange?
  Lobby is not bribery and corruption. The interest groups shall not provide any material benefits for its lobbying politicians, even a gift.
  The purpose of the lobbying industry is for politicians to fill the gap on the information. Take the congress as an example, lawmakers often only specializing in specific fields while need to comment on various issues, vote and bargaining. This requires them with external sources of information.
  Although lobbying gave opportunity to each group selling narrow interests, but it is far from an anti-democratic system. If do not have a lobbying campaign to provide professional knowledge, the legislature can only develop and bill cases which is lack of technical details. Such legislation style will leave more discretion to bureaucracy.
  However, any balancing forces are potential objects which needs to be taken under the checks and balances. As picture 5 shows.
  V. Conclusion
  American politics is an art of balances. The constitution divided power to each branch. This is good to prevent the occurrence of dictatorship. To a certain degree, it reflects the democracy and freedom. But at the same time it also produced a series of problems, such as branches are hardly to get effective cooperation, resulting in low efficiency.
  And when a certain branch has strong trend, another branch must be supported to compete and suppress the other, which leads to confusion and redundancy of the political system.
  [2]The Fourth Revolution by John Micklethwait.
【摘要】在高职教育中,英语课程是一门重要的基础课程,需要学生在课堂上对相关的英语知识形成有效的理解。在教育改革新时期,通过多媒体技术构建信息化的英语教学课堂,已经成了一大趋势。对此,本文首先探讨了多媒体技术对高职英语教学的积极作用与实施要点,最后提出了相应的教学策略,希望可以给相关英语教师提供参考。  【关键词】多媒体技术;高职英语;积极作用;教学策略  【作者简介】余胜聪,湖北水利水电职业技术学
语言的习得顺序都是按照字、词、句,最终形成语篇。在日常的英语教学过程中,大多数的英语学困生面临的主要问题是如何熟练快速地掌握单词的拼写和发音。因此在小学英语课堂中音素意识与自然拼读的整合训练能够有效地帮助学生科学地掌握单词的发音规律,巧记单词,杜绝死记硬背现象,做到见词能念,听音能拼。  一、小学英语课堂中音素意识与自然拼读整合训练的意义  小学作为英语基础教育阶段,仍是学生学习英语,培养音素意识
【Abstract】This paper aims to study the relationship between culture and communication. As we know, culture and communication cannot be separated from each other. Several examples are used in this pape
【摘要】百年大计教育为本,教育大计教师为本。我国步入了由教育大国向教育强国迈进的新时代。本文通过分析我国教育改革发展动态,学习先进的职教发展理念与模式,不断更新教师职业认知,将有效的学生管理方法和高效的课堂教学手段有机地融入职业教育工作中,为国家培养更多优秀的高职高专人才。  【关键词】社会主义核心价值观;工匠精神;能力本位;翻转课堂  【作者简介】向奕(1981.01-),女,汉族,成都人,四川
【摘要】英语作为基础教育阶段的一门主要外语课程,其对于学生语言能力的提升和综合素质的发展都具有非常显著的作用,这也使得小学英语教学逐渐受到人们的关注,尤其是在我国素质教育和新课程改革全面深化之后。这就要求小学英语教师在教学实践中,应当要立足于学生,不断创新课堂教学模式,丰富课堂教学手段,构建高效课堂。为此,本文主要对如何构建小学英语高效课堂进行了分析和探讨。  【关键词】小学英语;高效课堂;构建策
【摘要】英语是大学教育中的主要学科,并对学生交际能力的提升起到了潜移默化的作用。在传媒信息时代下,大学教育越来越重视英语教育模式的创新,将教育模式创新作为当前大学教育工作的主要任务。本文以大学教育为例,将针对传媒信息时代大学英语教育创新作出详细、具体的分析。  【关键词】传媒信息时代;大学英语;教育模式创新分析  【作者简介】嘎布热(1985.07- ),女,蒙古族,河套学院,研究生,讲师,研究方
【摘要】高等师范院校英语教育专业中一项重要的学习课程就是“英语教学法”,该门课程以培养学生英语技能应用能力为教学目标。教学中在CBI教学理论的引导下开展该课程教学任务,对教师的教学能力和教学基本素养有了更高的要求。本文主要分析了“英语教学法”课程中CBI教学理论的应用情况,目的是将英语师范生的整体素养提升,强化他们的教学技能。  【关键词】CBI教学理论;英语教学法;技能模式;主题模式  【作者简
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