Army Probes Internet Ladies' Man ‘Kassanova'

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“网恋”,作为一个新名词已经进入了我们的日常生活。网恋,有喜剧,但更多悲剧。不料,美国的一位年届50的军人也以网恋行骗,现在遇到了麻烦。本文标题中的Kassanova,值得注意,它实际上是一个nonce word(为特定场合的需要而临时造的词),是根本无法在词典上寻找到的杜撰之词。但是,我忽然想到,英语里有一个单词:Casanova。它是一个人名:卡萨诺瓦。卡萨诺瓦(1725-1798),是一名意大利冒险家,以所写的包括他的许多风流韵事的《自传》而著称,渐渐地Casanova就成了“风流浪子,好色之徒”之别称。而本文的陆军上校Kassem Saleh被许多妇女戏称为Kassanova,而Kassanovaa则与Casanova发音相似!因此,本文的标题便可直译成:军方调查因特网上的女士们的情人:风流浪子。 “Internet dating” has entered our daily life as a new term. Online dating, comedy, but more tragedy. Unexpectedly, a 50-year-old soldier in the United States has also been cheated by online dating and is now in trouble. Kassanova in the title of this article, it is worth noting that it is actually a nonce word (temporary word for the needs of a particular occasion), is the invented word simply can not find in the dictionary. However, I suddenly thought that there is a word in English: Casanova. It is a name: Casanova. Casanova (1725-1798) is an Italian adventurer known for his autobiography, which includes many of his romantic affairs. Gradually, Casanova became an alias for “The Passionate Son, the Erotic”. . Col. Kassem Saleh, an army colonel of this article, is nicknamed Kassanova by many women, and Kassanovaa is pronounced similar to Casanova! Therefore, the title of this article can be literally translated as: The military investigates the ladies’ lover on the Internet: the rogue.
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