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形式是个相对的概念,是世间万物不可缺少的,但却不可以过度,一旦流于了“形式主义”,就会令人讨嫌。反对形式主义已经是喊疲了的口号,而“形而上”却仍然无所不在。以下试举两例:前不久,中共北京市委和市政府发出《在全市党政机关、党员干部和公务员队伍中开展“立党为公、执政为民”教育活动的通知》,旨在加强和改进党政领导部门和领导干部的工作作风。《通知》发出后,我们在去年12月某报上的“立党为公、执政为民”栏目中看到消息说:“某镇党委积极为群众办事实,他们投资两千万元建造的某学校,已于今年9月正式投入使用。”并配发了彩色照片。在电视中我们还看到报道:某小区物业管理部门立党为公、执政为民,维修工人为小区居民上门修理下水道,受到居民欢迎…… Form is a relative concept. It is indispensable to all things in the world, but it can not be excessive. Once formalized, it becomes disgraceful. Opposition to formalism is already a shouting slogan, but metaphysics is still everywhere. Two examples were cited: Not long ago, the CPC Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government issued the “Notice on Carrying Out Educational Activities of Establishing the Party for the Public and Governing the People among the Party and Government Organizations, Party Cadres and the Civil Servants in the City” Improve the working style of party and government leading departments and leading cadres. After the “Notice” was issued, we saw in the column entitled “Building the Party for the Public and Governance for the People” in a newspaper in December last year and said: “The Party committees in a certain town are actively working for the masses and they have invested 20 million yuan A school, officially put into use in September this year. ”And distributed color photos. We also saw the report on television: a district property management department for the public, governing for the people, maintenance workers for residential residents to repair the sewer, welcomed by residents ...
目的:采用RNA干扰技术抑制小鼠骨髓树突状细胞(DC)髓样分化因子88(MyD88)的表达, 并检测其对细胞生物学活性的影响, 为DC的临床应用奠定基础.方法:针对MyD88基因, 采用化学合
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摘要:根据骑楼形态的特点,从城市设计、人文关怀、地域文化传承等的角度提出骑楼形态应用的设计一般原则。  关键词:整体性;延续性;多样性  在近代,骑楼建筑通常以“带”、“片”的整体组合方式出现,骑楼形态以整体面貌融入城市空间活力。因此骑楼形态应用首先需从整体的、城市空间环境的角度来探讨。经过骑楼形态的双重属性及其特点分析后,形成了比较具体的骑楼形态应用设计一般性的指导原则,用于指导骑楼形态的设计实