Compact analytical model for single gate AlInSb/InSb high electron mobility transistors

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:solonxpl
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We have developed a 2D analytical model for the single gate AlInSb/InSb HEMT device by solving the Poisson equation using the parabolic approximation method.The developed model analyses the device performance by calculating the parameters such as surface potential,electric field distribution and drain current.The high mobility of the AlInSb/InSb quantum makes this HEMT ideal for high frequency,high power applications.The working of the single gate AlInSb/InSb HEMT device is studied by considering the variation of gate source voltage,drain source voltage,and channel length under the gate region and temperature.The carrier transport efficiency is improved by uniform electric field along the channel and the peak values near the source and drain regions.The results from the analytical model are compared with that of numerical simulations(TCAD) and a good agreement between them is achieved. We have developed a 2D analytical model for the single gate AlInSb / InSb HEMT device by solving the Poisson equation using the parabolic approximation method. Developed model calculated by the parameters such as surface potential, electric field distribution and drain current. The high mobility of the AlInSb / InSb quantum makes this HEMT ideal for high frequency, high power applications. The working of the single gate AlInSb / InSb HEMT device is studied by considering the variation of gate source voltage, drain source voltage, and channel length under the gate region and temperature. The carrier transport efficiency is improved by uniform electric field along the channel and the peak values ​​near the source and drain regions. the results from the analytical model are compared with that of numerical simulations (TCAD) and a good agree between them is achieved.
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