
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangwd_clily
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我们浏阳市是革命老区,位于湖南省东北部。东西最大跨度110公里,南北纵长80公里;共有65个镇,1007个村,136万人口。我局是大电网直供直管的县局,隶属长沙电业局领导。现有职工169人,配电变压器909台,总容量11.9万千伏安。1994年售电量3.45亿千瓦时。 目前,我市大电网内直供直管43个乡镇,共计521个行政村。统一执行的农村到户分类电价标准是:村民生活照明每干瓦时0.47至0.54元,村民非生活照明每千瓦财0.70元,非工业、普通工业每千瓦时0.56元,农业排灌每千瓦时0.23元。与我省同类县(市)比,其分类到户电价是较低的。我局整顿农村电价工作具体落实到市农村电力管理总站肩上。局抽调得力人员充实总站力量,总站有步骤地扎扎实实开展了这一工作。 由于农村电价电费种类不一、高低不一,因此,统一电价标准是整顿好农村电价的关键。在政府的领导和支持下,我们会同物价局进行了农村电价电费调查与测算工作。 Liuyang City is an old revolutionary area located in the northeast of Hunan Province. The maximum span of 110 kilometers from east to west and 80 kilometers from north to south; 65 towns, 1007 villages and 1.36 million people. The Bureau of the People’s Republic of China is the County Council of the direct supply of large power grids and is affiliated with the leadership of the Changsha Electric Power Bureau. There are 169 employees and 909 distribution transformers with a total capacity of 119,000 KVA. In 1994, it sold 345 million kwh. At present, there are 43 towns and townships in the city’s large power grid, and a total of 521 administrative villages. The unified implementation of the rural-to-home tariff classification criteria is: 0.47 to 0.54 yuan per watt-hour for villagers living lighting, 0.70 yuan per kilowatt for non-living villagers, 0.56 yuan per kilowatt-hour for non-industrial and general industries, and 0.23 per kilowatt-hour for agriculture. yuan. Compared with the same counties (cities) in our province, the classification of household electricity prices is relatively low. The work of rectifying rural electricity tariffs by the Bureau was specifically implemented on the shoulders of the municipal rural electric power management station. The bureau allocated effective personnel to enrich the total station strength, and the terminus station carried out this work step by step. Since rural electricity tariffs are of different types and prices, the unified electricity price standard is the key to rectifying rural electricity prices. With the leadership and support of the government, we conducted a survey and calculation of rural electricity tariffs with the Price Bureau.
日 期名 称内 容5月10日一5月13日 第ll届亚洲国际电脑展览会 各类电脑及软件 ?j ●5月25日一5月28日 (1)第12届亚洲国际塑胶工业展觉会 塑料机械、原料、附属设备6月21日一6