海安县耐火材料厂生产“金猴牌”硅酸铝耐火纤维、矿棉及其制品,又分别获得三项部、省优质称号,打响了兔年之春的第一炮。是什么灵丹妙药,使这个座落在抬头见水、出门乘船的水乡小厂,搞得那么热火朝天,产销兴旺呢? 过去,这个厂一度由于产品质量低劣,打不开销路,长期无人问津,前途险峻。厂领导请来行家们一起分析,终于弄通了一个道理,厂小名气小,没有过得硬、叫得响的优质名牌产品,怎能站得住脚?悟出了道理,方向就明。
Hai’an County Refractory Material Factory produced “Golden Monkey” aluminosilicate refractory fiber, mineral wool and its products, and received three ministry and provincial high quality titles respectively, which made the first shot of the spring of rabbit year. What kind of panacea is it to make this one located in a small water plant that looks up at the water and goes out on a boat and is so hot that the production and sales are prosperous? In the past, this factory was once unfamiliar because of the poor quality of its products and the lack of expenses. The future is steep. The leaders of the factory invited the experts to analyze together and finally got a reasoning. How can the factory’s small name and small reputation and no hard-existing, high-quality brand-name products make it possible to stand up? The reason is understood and the direction is clear.