关注“三点” 夯实基础——2006年高考文综全国卷Ⅰ简析和启示

来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhl1989
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在2006年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试中,湖北、江西、河南、河北、陕西、广西等省区采用了相同的文科综合试卷(全国卷I)。与去年相比,该卷的总体结构、题型、题量,三门学科所占的分值都保持稳定,整卷难度适中并具有适当的区分度。这套试题考查的政治知识点主要有:商品流通、企业及其作用、我国税收的性质和作用、中央银行职能、发展的实质、客观规律性与主观能动性关系、内外因辩证关系、人生价值、美国“金钱”选举、国家机构的组织和活动原则、国家机构职能等。涉及的主要热点问题:我国“十一五”规划、个人所得税法修改、建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会、节约能源(可持续发展战略)和环境保护、建设社会主义政治文明等。 In the 2006 National Unified Examination for Enrollment of Higher Education Institutions, Hubei, Jiangxi, Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, and Guangxi used the same comprehensive liberal arts papers (National Book I). Compared with last year, the overall structure, type of questions, and volume of questions in the volume, and the scores of the three disciplines have remained stable. The overall difficulty is moderate and has a proper degree of differentiation. The political knowledge points examined in this set of questions mainly include: commodity circulation, enterprises and their role, the nature and role of China’s taxation, central bank functions, the nature of development, objective regularity and subjective initiative, internal and external factors of dialectical relations, life values, The United States “money” election, the organization and activity principles of state agencies, and the functions of state agencies. Major hot issues involved: China’s “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”, revision of the Personal Income Tax Law, building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, energy conservation (sustainable development strategy) and environmental protection, and building a socialist political civilization.
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本文介绍了旋耕机和部件的发展,及其与拖拉机合理配套的研究。 This article describes the development of rotary tillers and components, and their research on the ra