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一篇文章,立意要高,语言要美,但也不能忽视对结构的设计.因为,文章的结构是文章的骨架,是作者思想条理化的具体表现。只有结构严谨,文章的思路才会明晰。人们把文章的主要构件划为三部分,俗称为“开头”、“中间”、“结尾”。“中间”部分是文章的主体,没有主体,何谓文章?其重要性自不待说。对文章的开头与结尾及其内部关系,也不能忽视,需要在教学和写作中下功探索。毛主席早就要求人们:“写文章要讲逻辑。就是要注意整篇文章,整篇说话的开头、中间、尾巴要有一种关系,要有一种内部联系,不要互相冲突”。“开头”与“结尾”之间的关系就是逻辑上的同一关系,表现在文章语气上就是前呼后应的关系。要正确表达思想,使文章首尾一致,要求人们的思维必须符合同一律、矛盾律、排中律。目前,在中学生的作 An article is intended to be high and language should be beautiful, but it can not ignore the design of the structure because the structure of the article is the skeleton of the article and is the concrete manifestation of the author’s thought. Only structured, the article’s ideas will be clear. The main part of the article is divided into three parts, commonly known as the “beginning”, “middle”, “end.” The “middle” part is the main body of the article, without the main body, what is the article? It goes without saying. The opening and closing of the article and its internal relations, can not be ignored, you need to explore teaching and writing. Chairman Mao has long called for people to “write articles about logic.” It is necessary to pay attention to the entire article. At the beginning of the whole story, there must be a relationship between the middle and the tail. There must be an internal connection and no conflict with each other. “ The relationship between ”beginning“ and ”ending" is logically the same relationship, manifested in the tone of the article is the relationship before the call. It is necessary to express our thoughts correctly so that the articles are consistent from beginning to end, and people’s thinking must conform to the same laws, contradictions and laws. At present, the middle school students make
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