An Introduction to the Building of the Technical Platform for Chinese EV Standards

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcjzy
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Aware of negative influences of the aggressive environmental pollution and energy consuming on its commitment to sustainability, the Chinese government has paid heavily efforts to improve the situation by means of various activities since 1990s, especially the establishment of the Key Technological Projects of EVs (in short KTPEV) in 2001. the Chinese government is scheduled to invest especially around $ 120.48 million in the auto industry from 2001 to 2005. Companies which are both in and related to China抯 auto industry are working on various ways to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles: hybrid cars, alternative-fuel vehicles and EVs. Many of the companies work even together with foreign partners. Approved by the KTPEV, we would like to present a grand new column focused on the current situation and perspective of EV sector from this issue on. All information and articles are exclusively provided by the KTPEV. The column is responsible for giving you more opportunities to pose yourselves on the special stage. You are also invited to visit the official website at for more details. Aware of negative influences of the aggressive environmental pollution and energy consuming on its commitment to sustainability, the Chinese government has paid heavily efforts to improve the situation by means of various activities since 1990s, especially the establishment of the Key Technological Projects of EVs (in short KTPEV) in 2001. the Chinese government is scheduled to invest especially around $ 120.48 million in the auto industry from 2001 to 2005. Companies that are both in and related to China’s auto industry are working on various ways to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles : hybrid cars, alternative-fuel vehicles and EVs. Many of the companies work even together with foreign partners. Approved by the KTPEV, we would like to present a grand new column focused on the current situation and perspective of EV sector from this issue on All information and articles are exclusively provided by the KTPEV. The column is responsible for giving you more opportunities to pose yours elves on the special stage. You are invited to visit the official website at for more details.
1 病例介绍 患者 男,53岁。主因左眼渐进性眼球突出1年,伴眼胀1个月,以“左眶内肿物待查”于1999年5月6日收入我院眼科。检查:一般情况好,颈部未触及肿大淋巴结。心肺正常,
2008年是罗杰·帕克德(Roger Packard)从事高尔夫球场设计的第38个年头,在这漫长的职业生涯中,他用一座座口碑甚佳的球场证明,只有亲力亲为,才能将手中的蓝图变成眼前叹为观