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  These Bolivian women have years of experience[sic] of knitting woollen hats, sweaters, blankets, and now hi-tech medical products. At this clinic in the capital, La Paz, the women are part of the production of the small devices which can save the lives of hundreds of children with 1)congenital heart defects. They were created by a Bolivian doctor to correct small heart problems without doing open heart surgery, which can be expensive. Dr. Franz Freudenthal has successfully operated on hundreds of children and now exports his new inventions all over the world.
  Dr. Freudenthal: The reason why we do it is because we need to do it, because we don’t want to see that those patients die, and we take everything what was on hand, and the most important thing is that we try to get really, really simple solution [sic] for complex problems.
  The problem the device seems to fix is a hole in the heart, one which normally corrects itself soon after birth. The device is made of a complex fabric similar to that used in other medical products. But what is new
  is that it’s made of a superelastic metal called “2) Nitinol.” It can memorize its own shape. It can be contracted or folded whilst traveling from the 3)groin to the heart through a 4)catheter, and then expanded when it arrives at its final destination, the heart. Recovering its original shape, it then blocks the 5) ductus or hole that causes the problem, and they stay there without the need to be changed or renewed.
  People who live with congenital heart problems struggle to gain weight and are easily fatigue [sic]. It’s believed that these kind of problems are ten times more frequent here than in other countries, and it’s specially common among children, like 6-years-old [sic] Cynthia, who was operated [on] three years ago. The blood, that was supposed to go to the whole body to supply oxygen and nutrients, used to escape through a vessel called the ductus before it was stopped by one of these devices.
  Cynthia’s Mother: (via translator) She couldn’t even walk one block. She used to tell me she was too tired. She used to go purple when crying. She almost fainted. That’s how I realize [sic] she had a problem. Now she’s normal. She can run and play.
  Bolivia has one of the highest children [sic] mortality rates in the world, but it lacks a state-run program to treat these kind of congenital heart malfunctions [sic]. At least for these patients, the answer to their problem is in the hands of these skilled women.

  动脉导管未闭,又名:开放性动脉导管(patent ductus arteriosus)。动脉导管是在主动脉与肺动脉之间相连的管道,在胎儿时期,胎儿循环系统依赖其存在,在出生后应自然闭合,如未能闭合,则会留下一个主动脉与肺动脉之间的通道,称动脉导管末闭。动脉导管未闭是小儿先天性心脏病常见类型之一。常见的症状有劳累后心悸、气急、乏力,易患呼吸道感染和生长发育迟缓;重者可发生心力衰竭。
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