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提问是穿插在课堂教学中的一种普遍的教学方式。而要使提问真正达到促使学生消化、理解课文,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,培养学生的创造能力的目的,就必须经常掌握提问的技巧。这里参考美国《教育文摘》1978年第5期《给学生以回答问题的时间》一文,着重谈谈课堂提问的时间技巧问题。文章介绍说,在课堂上,有的教师每分钟提问10到12个,结果在一堂课45分钟内提问数目高达450个。 Questioning is a universal teaching method interspersed with classroom teaching. In order for the question to truly reach the goal of stimulating students to digest and understand the text, mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of the student, and cultivating the students’ creative abilities, they must always master the skills of asking questions. Here, we refer to the article “Time for Students to Answer Questions” in the Education Digest of the United States, 1978, focusing on the issues of time and skills in class questions. According to the article, in the classroom, some teachers asked 10 to 12 questions per minute, resulting in a maximum of 450 questions in 45 minutes in one class.
A1.We have twelve months in a year.2.We have both hands and both feet.3.You can decide from the specific gravities of the various substanceswhich will float an
Scientists made a great breakthrough this year in England when the first ’test-tube’ baby was born. The birth was the result of many years of research by doc
打电话时,我们经常说“May(Could)I speak to Mr.Smith?”(请史密斯先生接电话.)对方回答时可以说“This is Smith speaking.”(我是史密斯).也可以省略“this is”,只说“S
含有非真实条件从句的复合句,非真实条件通常用虚拟语气表示。在教学中,学生容易混淆假设情况和真实条件,往往误用谓语动词的形式。(假设与现在事实相反的情况)eg.1)He’s n
拼图,于我们每个人都不陌生。不过,在大家的传统印象里,拼图都是平面的,而且基本没有什么主题。而在北京的南锣鼓巷,有家名为“拼途”的拼图店,店里售卖的都是诸如地球仪、笔筒等立体拼图。即使是平面拼图,也独具特色:拼出来的是一幅幅世界名画,可以直接挂起来当家饰品。小店开业当天就实现了盈利。除了南锣鼓巷店外,半年多的时间里,店主又陆续在798艺术区、前门台湾映像商场开了两家店。    立体拼图赚时尚钱  
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions: 1. The room is proof________ sound. 2. John is clever________painting. 3. Lynn is competent________teaching E
鹿有忠是重庆有友食品开发有限公司的总经理。几年前,鹿有忠发现泡椒鸡爪很有市场,便开了一家小型工厂准备批量生产。  为了让泡椒鸡爪味道鲜美不变质,鹿有忠建好工厂之后特地请来保鲜技术专家李教授,请他研制保鲜的菌种。  有了专家做技术后盾,鹿有忠的心里亮堂了许多,隔三差五就往实验室跑。李教授负责管技术,鹿有忠则负责管口味。一年多时间过去了,他们如愿以偿。  鹿有忠为保鲜菌种的成功研制兴奋不已,这时,李教
在阅读的过程中碰到生词,充分利用上下文给出的线索,有些生词的意思是可以猜测出来的。下面拟就科普文章的例子,介绍一些基本方法: 1.利用定义的线索在生词出现的上文或下文