认真贯彻落实《电力法》 实现特区电力工业的第二次创业

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《中华人民共和国电力法》(以下简称《电力法》)于1995年12月28日第八届全国人大常委会第十七次会议通过,并由江泽民主席签署中华人民共和国主席令第60号发布,将于1996年4月1日起实施。《电力法》作为我国建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中国家颁布的第一部行业法,针对我国电力工业发展的实际情况和当前的市场经济坏境,总结了我国发展电力工业40多年的经验,特别是改革开放十多年来电力工业在建设、生产、供应、使用和监督方面的成功经验,吸收和借鉴了国外一些先进的电力管理制度、方法和手段,其内容全面,针对性强,具有较强的可操作性,即体现了我国电力工业改革的成果,也为今后电力工业的改革指明了方向;这是我国由过去主要靠行政于段管电转向按市场经济规律办事,依法管电的重要标志和新的起点。 深圳经济特区作为对外开放的“窗口”和改革的“试验场”,在全国率先进行建立社会主义市场经济体制的探索。在电力建设上较早推行多家办电、谁投资、谁收益的原则,较早推行电价改革,实施多种电价,这些措施有力地加快了深圳市电力工业的发展,彻底缓解下电力供应紧张的局面。全市15座电厂全部采用地方筹资、合资、合作方式建成,总装机容量达253.4万千瓦,同时与电源配套新建4座、扩建3座220KV变电站,容量达到75 “The People’s Republic of China Electricity Law” (hereinafter referred to as the “Electricity Law”) was passed at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People’s Congress on December 28, 1995, and was signed by Chairman Jiang Zemin on the 60th Presidential Order of the People’s Republic of China. It will be implemented on April 1, 1996. The “Power Law”, as the first industry law promulgated by the state during the establishment of a socialist market economic system in China, focused on the actual situation of the development of China’s power industry and the current market economy environment, and summarized our country’s experience in developing the power industry for more than 40 years. In particular, the successful experience in the construction, production, supply, use, and supervision of the power industry in the past decade of reform and opening up has absorbed and borrowed from some advanced power management systems, methods, and methods in foreign countries. Its content is comprehensive, and it is highly targeted. The strong operability reflects the achievements of the reform of China’s power industry and points out the direction for the future reform of the power industry. This is the main reason for the transformation of China’s electricity industry from the past to the administrative management of the power industry. Important signs and new starting points. As a “window” for opening up and a “testing ground” for reforms, the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has taken the lead in nationwide exploration of establishing a socialist market economic system. In the construction of electricity, the principle of multiple revenues for electricity, who invests, and who benefited was adopted earlier. The reform of electricity prices was implemented earlier and various electricity prices were implemented. These measures have effectively accelerated the development of the electric power industry in Shenzhen and completely eased the tension in electricity supply. The situation. All 15 power plants in the city were built using local financing, joint ventures and cooperation methods. The total installed capacity reached 2.534 million kilowatts. At the same time, four new power plants were installed and three 220KV substations were expanded with a capacity of 75.
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