提倡艰苦奋斗 反对奢靡之风

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4月11日,北京市政协学习委员会召开了“提倡艰苦奋斗,反对奢靡之风”专题座谈会。10余位委员发育,对当前社会上纵欲事乐、奢靡腐败的现象进行剖析、抨击,呼吁在新的历史条件下发扬勤俭节约、艰苦创业的传统。奢风日盛危及改革大业刘世耀委员(中国科学院高能物理所研究员)认为,九十年代以来,社会上的奢糜风可说是达到了古今中外集大成的地步。一些人盲目追求享乐,同治皇帝戴的表、成丰皇帝吃的謇药、西太后的美容品,以及欧洲宫廷喝的“路易”、“XO”酒,现代大资本家玩的高尔夫球,都要为其享用。昔日西太后只是早吃人参、晚食燕窝,而现在有的人不仅把人参、燕窝、鹿茸放在一起吃,还要把稀有动物如娃娃鱼、飞龙.甚至金子作为盘中餐。酒家要进“皇苑”,别墅 On April 11, the Beijing Municipal CPPCC Study Committee held a symposium on the theme of “advocating hard work and fighting extravagance”. More than 10 members developed to analyze and criticize the phenomenon of indulgence, extravagance and corruption in the current society and called for carrying forward the tradition of thrift, hard work and pioneering under the new historical conditions. Luxury and risk to the great cause of reform Liu Shiyao member (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) believes that since the nineties, the social extra-territoriality can be said to have reached the stage of ancient and modern. Some blind pursuit of hedonism, Tongzhi emperor wearing the table, Cheng Feng emperors to eat medicine, Western Pacific beauty products, as well as the European Court of drinking “Louis”, “XO” wine, modern big capitalists play golf, have to For its enjoyment. In the past, the Western Empire just eats ginseng and eats bird’s nest early. Nowadays, some people not only eat ginseng, bird’s nest and antler but also treat rare animals such as salamander, dragon and even gold as a dish. Restaurant into the “Royal Court”, villa
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本刊专稿九十年代中国的改革与发展··“·”·”·“一薛暮桥李绪鄂张震张彦宁杨雍哲张塞 吴敬琏张卓元李泊溪季崇威塞风”·“··~“一(1·2)中国官方统计在宏观经济管理
国内十几年来由于CT扫描的广泛应用,对无肢体瘫痪型脑梗塞有了进一步的了解,而且愈来愈受到人们的重视。现结合我院1993年5月~1994年12月收治的56例,分析如下。1 临床资料1.1
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