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和谐文化建设是建设和谐社会的重要内容。季明认为,和谐文化具有深刻的科学内涵,对构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要作用。建设和谐文化属于社会主义意识形态范畴,必须始终保持正确的政治方向。建设和谐文化是全党全社会的共同行动,必须动员全社会力量关心、支持和参与。左亚文认为,和谐思维是和谐文化的内核和灵魂,是时代精神的主旋律,是改革时代的哲学升华。和谐思维作为一个包含了丰富内涵的理论体系,它本质上是一种哲学思维,但重在应用,重在管用,重在实践。柳菊兴认为,中华民族在长期的发展中,产生过不少有关社会和谐的思想,并积淀形成了中国传统和谐观。在社会主义和谐文化建设中,必须正确认识和科学评价中国传统和谐观。孙抱弘认为:我们当今要从不和谐走向和谐、从传统社会进入现代社会,就应在生存现实与理性追求的接合部,通过全民的社会教育,提升国民的公共理性,构建相应的公共伦理和公共政策,从而营造有利于和谐文化孕育发展的人际氛围。李忠认为,人与人的和谐、人与社会的和谐及人与自然的和谐关键在于建立和谐社会的价值体系,而和谐社会的价值体系则以和谐精神为其本质体现。 Harmonious cultural construction is an important part of building a harmonious society. Ji Ming believes that a harmonious culture has profound scientific connotations and plays an important role in building a socialist harmonious society. Building a harmonious culture belongs to the category of socialist ideology and we must always maintain the correct political orientation. Building a harmonious culture is a common operation of the whole party and society as a whole. We must mobilize all social forces to care, support and participate. Zuo Yawen believes that harmonious thinking is the kernel and soul of a harmonious culture, the main theme of the spirit of the times, and the philosophical distillation of the era of reform. As a theoretical system that contains rich connotation, harmonious thinking is essentially a kind of philosophical thinking, but it focuses on application, emphasis on management and practice. Liu Ju-hsing believes that in the long-term development of the Chinese nation, many thoughts on social harmony have been produced and the traditional Chinese concept of harmony has been formed. In the construction of socialist harmonious culture, we must correctly understand and scientifically evaluate the traditional view of harmony in China. Sun Baolong held: Nowadays, we should move from no harmony to harmony and from the traditional society into the modern society, we should promote the public reason of the people and establish the corresponding public ethics and public through the social education of the whole people in the joint department of living reality and rational pursuit. Policy, thus creating a harmonious atmosphere conducive to the development of a harmonious culture. According to Li Zhong, the key to the harmony between man and man, the harmony between man and society and the harmony between man and nature lies in the value system of building a harmonious society, while the value system of a harmonious society takes harmony as its essence.
考虑到鼻内封闭疗法对血管舒缩性鼻炎有良好的效果,以及鼻(血刃)时往往是由于血管神经装置的紊乱,作者乃采用这种方法治疗鼻(血刃)的患者。 会经治疗过28例自发性和症状性的
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国际法哲学大会即将在中国举办,这里将当今国际法理学界很有影响的Law and Phi- losophy Library丛书的相关信息予以收集整理。该丛书主要是由Kluwer Academic Publish- The