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  Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?
  Do you resemble someone so closely, that people are amazed to find out you are not that person? Has anyone ever said to you, “You could be his/her 1)double?”
  It’s one thing to resemble an ordinary person, but to be mistaken for a celebrity is something else. It happened to me. I personally do not think I resemble 2)Kathy Bates in the least, and yet, much to my discomfort, this is the actress I 3)purportedly bore an 4)uncanny resemblance to at one time.
  Just who IS Kathy Bates, you may be asking?
  Think back. You may remember her from the movies 5)Fried Green Tomatoes or 6)Misery. She even appeared in 7)Titanic. She is indeed a prolific actress, but as far as a resemblance goes, I just don’t see it. For one thing, there is a considerable age difference between us. I think, perhaps, it was our hairstyles that were similar.
  I had to remove my photo of myself on my web page, since I received countless emails from people who wrote simply to comment on the resemblance. It got to be a bit tiresome. For the life of me, I just could not understand why everyone seemed to think I was her replica.
  It got worse. Complete strangers would approach me in public, and comment on it. Sometimes I felt like saying, “My name is Maria, but you can call me Kathy!” One person told me I should be Kathy Bates’ 8)stand-in. Hmm...that was something worth considering!
  I decided to change my hairstyle, hoping that would end this 9)saga. It worked! I was thrilled to be me again. What a relief to have my identity back. End of story? Not quite.
  My husband and I were getting our photo taken in an “Old Time Shoppe,” where we had to dress in clothing of a long-ago era. We emerged from the dressing room, and I 10)convulsed in a fit of giggles at our appearance. I looked so ridiculously 11)prim and 12)proper in my flower-printed, calico dress with a lace collar, and my husband looked like a proper businessman, in a 13)bowler hat and string tie. After a good laugh, we tried to compose ourselves for the photo, although I could not refrain from giggling whenever I looked at him.
  When the photographer was posing us for the photo, she said casually, “You know, you remind me so much of someone.”
  I said, “Oh? Who?”
  “Not your appearance,” she said, “but when I heard you laughing in the other room, I could have sworn it was Kathy Bates.”
  Hollywood, here I come!


过去了的2012年,“神曲”辈出。其中就有美国新生代独立摇滚乐队Fun.(“欢乐乐团”,又译“奋”乐队)的《我们正年轻》。话说此曲如同乐队一样,原本籍籍无名,但后来被当红美剧《欢乐合唱团》选中翻唱,于是一夜爆红,风光无限。  按理说,在光怪陆离的娱乐圈,天上突然掉馅饼,一夜之间丑小鸭变天鹅的“神曲”效应不是什么新鲜事——前有凭“骑马舞”风靡全球的“鸟叔”,后有经“B宝”对嘴型传唱爆红的卡莉·杰帕森
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