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  Lincoln’s English gold watch was purchased in the 1850s from George Chatterton, a Springfield, Illinois, jeweler. Lincoln was not 2)outwardly vain, but the fine gold watch was a 3)conspicuous symbol of his success as a prominent Illinois lawyer. The National Museum of American History acquired the watch in 1958 as a gift from Lincoln Isham, Abraham Lincoln great-grandson.
  Every living soul can recall with certainty what they were doing when a national tragedy occurs—the day the Japanese bombed 4)Pearl Harbor, the day in 5)Dallas when John F. Kennedy was 6)assassinated or the events of September 11. Yet, no one alive today can recall the tragic day in 1861 when Confederate forces fired on 7)Fort Sumter, beginning a terrible and tragic war that divided this nation and changed it forever. This week, a stunning find unveiled a personal record that touched the highest levels of government but remained hidden for nearly a century and a half.
  On April 13, 1861, Irish immigrant and watchmaker Jonathan Dillon was repairing President Abraham Lincoln’s pocket watch, when he heard of the attack. Forty-five years later, Dillon told the New York Times what he did that day. “I was in the act of 8)screwing on the 9)dial. I unscrewed the dial, and with a sharp instrument wrote on the metal beneath: ‘The first gun is fired. Slavery is dead. Thank God we have a President who at least will try.’”

  On Tuesday morning, at the National Museum of American History, some 40 reporters and 10)Smithsonian staff witnessed master craftsman and jeweler George Thomas open Abraham Lincoln’s watch to search for Dillon’s secret message. Dillon’s message was there, but not exactly as he later described it. It was a rare moment when a museum, dedicated to the preservation of American history, could be said to be making history. And therein lies a tale. The watchmaker and the President would never meet. And Lincoln would never know that he carried Dillon’s secret message in his pocket. Lincoln’s watch is a fine gold timepiece that the 16th president purchased in the 1850s from a Springfield, Illinois jeweler. Harry Rubenstein, chief 11)curator of the museum’s 12)bicentennial exhibition “Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life”, has a fondness for the watch, which today would be the equivalent of a 13)high-end 14)Bulova or 15)Tag Heuer. “When you think about Lincoln especially at this point in his life,” Rubenstein says, “his ill-fitting clothes and messy hair; he doesn’t seem to care about his appearance. But in fact, he does care about how people perceive him. One of the status symbols of the 19th century is a gold watch. Lincoln is making a statement. He’s carrying a very visible statement of his own success.”   This story is full of ironies. And so we must pause here to reflect on one. It was February 12, Lincoln’s 200th birthday, when the phone on Rubenstein’s desk rang. The caller was Douglas Stiles, a 59-year-old attorney and 16)genealogy expert, from Waukegan, Illinois. Stiles is also Dillon’s great, great grandson. The evidence was not overwhelming. All that Stiles had to offer was a bit of family lore and a newspaper article written 45 years after the fact. Could the stranger calling convince a museum curator to pull a national icon from display, to bring in an expert craftsman to disassemble the delicate, historical artifact, and to take a huge chance that nothing, in fact, could be there? But, Rubenstein’s interest was 17)piqued and the decision was made. “It’s sort of amazing,” Rubenstein said in an interview before the watch was opened, “when you think that two years before the 18)Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln is carrying this hopeful message in his pocket, and never knowing it.”
  这个故事充满了讽刺意味。所以我们必须停下来反思。那是2月12日,正值林肯的诞辰200周年,鲁宾斯坦桌子上的电话响了,来电者是道格拉斯·斯泰尔斯,一位来自于伊利诺斯州沃基根的59岁律师兼族谱专家,同时,他也是狄龙的玄孙。证据并不确凿。斯泰尔斯所提供的只是家族口传的轶事和45年后的报纸报道。这位来电的陌生人有可能说服博物馆馆长把国家宝物撤下展览柜,冒险让一位专家工匠拆开这个精致、具有历史性的工艺品吗?结果可能是发现,事实上里面什么都没有啊。但是,这激发了鲁宾斯坦的兴趣,他做了这个决定。“这很不可思议吧,”就在怀表被拆开前的一个采访中,鲁宾斯坦说道,“想想, 《奴隶解放宣言》发布两年前,这个满怀希望的信息就已经在亚伯拉罕·林肯的口袋中了,而他从来就不知道。”

  A month after that initial call, in an elegant museum back room, photographers crowded around jeweler George Thomas who was seated at a makeshift craftsman’s bench. As the hour approached, Rubenstein solemnly stepped forward. Lincoln’s gold pocket watch was delivered to the bench. Thomas went to work with tiny screwdrivers, 19)tweezers and 20)levers. Stopping occasionally to flex his fingers, he added tension to anticipation.“It will be awhile,” he warned, obviously enjoying the drama. Stiles, accompanied by his wife Betsy and his brother Don, took a few deep breaths and readjusted himself in his chair. Finally Thomas, after unscrewing several tiny pins from the watch face, delicately lifted the plate and murmured, “The moment of truth.”   Douglas Stiles is invited to read his ancestor’s inscription: “Jonathan Dillon April 13-1861 Fort Sumter [21)sic] was attacked by the rebels. Washington thank God we have a government.”The message was there. Yet there is no mention of slavery, nor did it say anywhere that Lincoln was the right man for the job. Perhaps Dillon had grander intentions in mind as he hurriedly 22)etched his note into the watch on that fateful day. In the march of time, what human doesn’t add a flourish or two? One thing is also clear. Dillon wasn’t the only one with presidential pocket watch access. For there alongside the Dillon inscription is yet another—“LE Grofs Sept 1864 Wash DC.” Who would that be?
  Stiles was satisfied. “I feel more in touch with Lincoln,” and then with a grin, he adds,“Hey, that’s Lincoln’s watch and my ancestor put 23)graffiti on it.”

  道格拉斯·斯泰尔斯被邀请读出祖先的题词:“乔纳森·狄龙,1861年4月13日,萨姆特堡(原文如此)遭遇反叛分子袭击。华盛顿感谢上帝,我们有一个政府。”秘密信息就刻在那里。但是并没有提到奴隶制,或者是说林肯是推翻奴隶制适合的人选。或许在那历史性的一天,狄龙把这个信息匆忙刻到表里面时,怀有更宏大的意图。时间的洪流中,谁没有过那么一两个雄心壮志?另一件事情也是可以肯定的。狄龙并不是唯一一个接触过总统的怀表的人。因为在狄龙的题词旁,还有另一行刻字——“LE Grofs Sept 1864 Wash DC.”这又是谁呢?
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