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最大限度地把职工组织到工会中来,保障工会更好地代表和维护职工的合法权益,做好新建企业组建工会工作,是工会的一项基础性任务。为了保证组建工会的顺利进行,新《工会法》规定:“企业、事业单位、机关有会员二十五人以上的,应当建立基层工会委员会;不足二十五人,可以单独建立基层工会常委会,也可以由两个以上单位的会员联合建立基层工会委员会。”针对一些外商投资企业、私营企业和乡镇集体企业工会组建工作存在阻 It is a basic task of the trade unions to maximize the organization of workers and staff in the trade unions, safeguard the trade unions’ ability to better represent and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and do well in establishing new trade unions. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the formation of a trade union, the new Trade Union Law stipulates: “Enterprises, public institutions and organs with more than 25 members shall establish grassroots trade union committees; if they have less than 25, they can establish separate grassroots labor union committees The grass-roots trade union committees may also be set up jointly by members of more than two units. ”" For some foreign-invested enterprises, the work of setting up trade unions in private-owned enterprises and township collective enterprises is impeded
要不要寄宿?这让许多家长举棋不定。对于身心发展都还未定型的孩子来说,进入寄宿制学校学习有什么益处,又有什么值得注意的方面呢? Do you want to boarding? This leaves m
据前苏联《苏联史》杂志1991年第6期报道,1991年2月13-19日在莫斯科近郊召 According to the former Soviet Union, “Soviet Union” magazine in 1991 No. 6 reported Febr
上消化道的X线检查第2部分:胃和十二指肠DieRontgenuntersuchungdesoberenGastrointestinaltraktesTei12:MagenundDuodenum¥P.Gerhardt;S.KretzProf.Dr.Dr... Upper digestive tract X-ray examination Part 2: Gastric and duodenal DieRontgenuntersuchungdesoberenGastrointestinaltrakt
颅内脊索瘤起源于胚胎脊索的残余组织,是少见的颅内先天性肿瘤。自1964年以来,我们手术治疗6例,现报告如下。 临床资料 男2例,女4例,年龄32~46岁,平均39.5岁。病程半年~7年,2