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绒毛状腺癌系结肠良性肿瘤,主要临床表现是慢性腹泻、粘液血便。因此易误诊为肠道感染而延误治疗,以至发生恶变,故应争取早期诊断和手术治疗。绒毛状腺瘤为罕见疾病,日本在1953~1982年间,本病累计病例数仅50例。本院收治1例,报道如下: 患者女,32岁,住院号101248。因腹痛、腹泻、粘液血便4年於1984年8月6日入院。患者4年来常感下腹部不适、腹泻,每日2~4次,有时为粘液血便,曾诊为“痔疮”、“肠道感染”。今年6月起病情加重,大便每日6~7次,有脓血粘液。便 Villous adenocarcinoma is a benign tumor of the colon. The main clinical manifestations are chronic diarrhea, mucous bloody stools. Therefore, it is easy to misdiagnose as intestinal infection and delay treatment, as well as malignant transformation, so it should strive for early diagnosis and surgical treatment. Villous adenomas are rare diseases. In Japan between 1953 and 1982, the cumulative number of cases of this disease was only 50 cases. The hospital received 1 case and reported as follows: The patient was 32 years old and her hospital number was 101,248. He was admitted to hospital on August 6, 1984 for abdominal pain, diarrhea, and mucopuraemia for 4 years. In the past 4 years, the patient often experienced abdominal discomfort and diarrhea, 2 to 4 times a day, sometimes with mucopuraemia. He had been diagnosed as “acne” and “intestinal infection”. Since June of this year, the condition has been aggravated, and the stool has been 6 to 7 times daily with pus and blood mucus. Then
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我科收治1例额、颊、枕、咽部巨大血管瘤,用10%明矾注射液,随访5年多疗效满意,现报告如下: 患者林×,男,24岁。出生后即见右侧头面部肿物与年俱增,缓慢增长。于1980年10月来
二季度浙江工业企业主要生产经营指标继续改善,转型升级意愿强烈。但同时也要看到,企业对后期宏观环境的预期趋于谨慎,投资意愿有所下降 In the second quarter, the main p
自从1950年Hanes 由羊肾提取出γ-谷氨酰基移换酶(γGT)后,逐渐发现γGT 广泛存在于哺乳动物组织中,其中活性最高的依次为肾、前列腺、睾丸、胰和肝脏。60年代许多人报道肝