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上世纪末对人类生活改变最大的是IT技术,而在未来五年或稍长一点的时间里,IT领域最有希望普及或突破的,也是最有商业前景的,有以下几项技术。 信息化进程的核心动向是宽带化。新世纪,信息交流的方式已从简单的通话进入多媒体时代,信息业务也扩展到电子商务、电子银行、电视会议、远程教育、远程医疗、网上娱乐、视频点播等等,如此之大的业务容量必须依赖宽带网。何况对不少城市来说,宽带接入只是“最后一公里”的事情。可以预测,业已成熟的宽带技术将在五年内大面积普及。另据贝尔实验室的最新成果和专家预测,十年内宽带技术可以发展到一根光纤传输率为Pb/s(拍比特/秒)的水平,这意味着可以为用户提供几乎无限的带宽。 液晶显示器体积小、重量轻、无辐射、节能、环保,必定会成为显示器市场的主流。应用液晶技术的电视机,厚度仅为普通电视机的1/10,可以挂在墙上,清晰度比目前的显像管电视高出1倍,节电40%。配备15英寸液晶显示器的台式电脑,厚度只有20厘米,重量不足10公斤,且画面质量清晰柔和。笔记本电脑、手机屏幕、信息家电等更是离不开液晶技术。目前影响液晶技术普及 The biggest change in human life at the end of the last century was in IT technology. In the next five years or a little bit longer, the IT industry has the most hope for popularity or breakthrough, and it is also the most commercially promising. There are the following technologies. The core trend of the informationization process is broadband. In the new century, the method of information exchange has moved from simple calls into the multimedia age, and information services have also expanded into e-commerce, e-banking, video conferencing, distance education, telemedicine, online entertainment, video on demand, etc. Must rely on broadband networks. Not to mention, for many cities, broadband access is only the last mile. It can be predicted that the mature broadband technology will be widely used within five years. According to Bell Labs’ latest results and experts’ predictions, broadband technology can develop to a fiber transmission rate of Pb/s (bits per second) over a decade, which means that users can be provided with almost unlimited bandwidth. Liquid crystal displays are small, lightweight, non-radiative, energy-saving, and environmentally-friendly, and will surely become the mainstream of the display market. TVs using liquid crystal technology are only 1/10th the thickness of ordinary TVs and can be hung on the wall. The resolution is twice as high as that of current CRT TVs, saving 40%. A desktop computer equipped with a 15-inch LCD monitor is only 20 cm thick, weighs less than 10 kg, and the picture quality is clear and soft. Laptops, mobile phone screens, information appliances, etc. are inseparable from LCD technology. Currently affecting the popularity of liquid crystal technology
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