The Development of Teacher Education Policy in China

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  摘 要:Encouraging achievements and progress have been made in the research on teacher education policy since the reform and opening-up in China's mainland.The quantity of such research is increasing gradually;perspectives are being diversified;multiple methods have been used.Broad fields remain to be explored in the future.Research on basic theories should be highlighted;scientific and rigorous research on policy process should be enhanced.Then policy research will play valuable and consultant roles in making realistic policy decision on the reform and development of teacher education.
  關键词:teacher education policy;development of teacher education policy;policy decision-making of teacher education
  Ⅰ.The Issue of Education Policy in the report of 19th National Congress
  Since our 18th and 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,changes both in and outside China,and the progress made in all areas of China’s endeavors,have presented us with a profound question-the question of era.The report to 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China illustrates that the government gives priority to developing education.As the report to 19th National Congress goes,we should fully implement the Party’s education policy,foster virtue through education,enhance our students’ well-rounded development and promote fairness in education.We will improve the system of vocational education and training,and promote integration between industry and education and cooperation between enterprises and colleges.”
  In addition,we should build stronger cultural confidence.Culture is a country and nation’s soul.And we should encourage creative development and transformation,so as to plus new luster to Chinese culture.
  From all above,we can acknowledge that teacher education policy gets more and more indispensable and important.Since the 1970s,educational research in the world has gradually become two offshoots--education policy and teacher education.Since the middle and late 1990s,teacher education in China has been driven by major factors such as politics,market,and academics.It has entered great transformation period.This study analyzes mainly the development of teacher education policy in China.
  Ⅱ.The Progress and Achievements of Teacher Education Policy in China
  Since the reform and opening up,the progress and achievements made in the study of teacher education policy in China have mainly manifested in the following aspects.   At the initial stage of the study,the researchers mainly focus on the historical and comparative research of teacher education policies through analyzing the policy changes in the development of teacher education in China.And since the beginning of the new century,the content of research on teacher education policies in China has also become more abundant.In addition to focusing on the overall sense of China's primary and secondary school teacher education-related policies,targeting rural teachers,private teachers,substitute teachers,university teachers,higher vocational colleges,"dual-qualified" teachers and other specific groups of teachers,working environment and professional development related policies are gradually deepening.
  Needless to say,even today,there are still many studies in teacher education policies that are increasingly in the public domain.
  Ⅲ.The Development of Teacher Education Policy
  However,the scientific nature and rigorousness also need to be enhanced.The future research on teacher education policy has broad space for development.
  1.Consolidate basic theoretical research on teacher education policy
  Although policy research is different from purely theoretical research,it is more inclined to change practice and focus more on facts.Furthermore,it does not mean that policy research does not require theoretical exploration and construction.In fact,without the guidance of basic theory,it is impossible to form a scientific and effective education policy.
  In contrast,most researches on teacher education policies in China tend to regard the relevant concepts and theories of educational policy as the prerequisites and foundations for self-evident in teacher education policy research.It is not obvious that teacher education policy reform and innovation are forward-looking guidance.However,there are not many systematic studies that have changed in the past 10 years.
  2.Strengthen Scientific and Rigorous the Process Research of Teacher Education Policy
  Education policy studies mainly focus on two major areas.The first is to study the formulation process of education policy,that is,“how a policy is formulated?”.Secondly,the researches should study the various factors,strategies,and methods that influence the formation or formulation of policies,that is,“how can we formulate a good policy?”.
  3.Research on Teacher Education Policy from Multi-subject Perspective
  In education policy research,there are many heated discussions on the basic state and nature of relevant education policies while there are few effective and persuasive opinions on policy analysis and evaluation based on a large number of facts and generalizations.Research on teacher education policies also needs to make full use of the new achievements made by various social sciences and broaden their own research horizons.Not only do they explain policy phenomena,but also profoundly analyze the nature of policies.Policy research cannot be limited to purely rational criticism.Only in this way can we profoundly analyze and explore the pros and cons of teacher education policy on the basis of social background and educational development in our country.
  曹立秋(1994-),女,籍贯:内蒙古通辽市,在读研究生,单位:内蒙古师范大学 外国语学院,研究方向:学科教学(英语)。
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