
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aa377059590
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An Au layer was evaporated on the top of Ni+ -implanted LEC n-GaP. Two minority peaks appeared on its DLTS spectrum and corresponding deep levels are located at 0.62 and 0.80eV above the valence band (after T2 corrected), respectively. In order to explain this, a calculation of the barrier distribution, Ec(x), was carried out.The distribution of implanted Ni+ N(x,t), was given by LSS theory, considering the diffusion during the post-annealing with time t. As the zero-order approximation, the electrical neutrality condition was used taking the fact that Ni might present in three different charge states into account. The solution of the neutrality equation gave Ec0(x), then inserting it into the Poisson’s equation by this way, iteration procedure was carried out. It was found that the 2nd iteration attended to be converged. The calculated result indicated that within a layer of 5000A from the surface the conduction type was converted to p-type. Thus the minority injection during DLTS measurement was reasonable. Two minority peaks appeared on its DLTS spectrum and corresponding deep levels are located at 0.62 and 0.80 eV above the valence band (after T2 corrected), respectively. In order To explain this, a calculation of the barrier distribution, Ec (x), was carried out. The distribution of implanted Ni + N (x, t), was given by LSS theory, considering the diffusion during the post-annealing with time t. As the zero-order approximation, the electrical neutrality condition was used taking the fact that Ni might present in three different charge states into account. The solution of the neutrality equation gave Ec0 (x), then inserting it into the Poisson’s equation by this way , iteration procedure was carried out. It was found that the 2nd iteration attended to be converged. The calculated result indicates that within a layer of 5000A from the surface the conduction type was converted to p- type. Thus the minority injection during DLTS mea surement was reasonable.
本文对 N 沟硅栅 E/D 型专用电路(其中包括 LN6131A、LN6131B,LN4731、LN8705A、LN8705B。)研制中的工艺问题,如:材料选取、工艺规范、参数调整与控制,试剂的选用、工艺环境
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由悬疑丛生到悬疑大白    这是一部悬疑丛生的谍战片。故事讲述了1942年10月10日,在举办庆祝国民政府成立三十周年的盛大仪式上,一名汪伪政府的要员被枪杀,引起了日本方面的高度重视。日军特务课机关长武田怀疑这一系列暗杀行动是北平地区共产党领导人"老枪"策划的。希望抓住这次机会破获他的组织。调查的期限只有五天,被软禁的五个人全部关进了古堡裘庄,他们是汪伪剿匪司令部的收发员顾晓梦、译电组长李宁玉、总