金门破获跨境诈骗洗钱案 两岸共同打击犯罪成果显著

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从战争对峙到如今的合作打击犯罪,金门与大陆关系的转变,也正是近几十年来两岸关系发展的缩影。10月5日,金门县警察局刑警大队与刑事警察局宣布,两岸又侦破一起跨境诈骗集团洗钱案。诈骗金额逾3000万元(新台币,下同),洗钱金额则高达数亿元。据金门警方介绍,去年12月警方受理一起金额百余万元的诈骗案。经过近10个月追查,发现张姓嫌犯等3人在金门经营地下汇兑。其中,新北 The transformation from the war confrontation to today’s cooperation in combating crime and the Kinmen-Mainland relations is just the microcosm of the development of cross-Strait relations in recent decades. On October 5, the Interpol Brigade and Criminal Police Department of Kinmen County Police Department announced that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have also solved a case of money laundering by cross-border fraud groups. Fraudulent amount of more than 30 million yuan (NT, the same below), the amount of money laundering is as high as several hundred million dollars. According to Kinmen Police introduced in December last year, the police accepted the amount of more than one million yuan of fraud. After nearly 10 months of tracing, found that surnamed Zhang surnamed three people operating underground in the Golden Exchange. Among them, the new North
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