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户外广告在我国正以前所未有的速度增长,这除了户外广告固有特点及不断改进的原因外,媒体环境越来越纷繁复杂,广告主传播方式多元化、整合化也是重要的原因。在越来越多企业选择户外广告的背景下,广告主面临的眼球竞争愈加激烈,如何运用户外广告也就成为一个亟需重视的问题。除了户外广告的覆盖面以及诉求点越来越具针对性,力求减少那“浪费的另一半”外,广告主也注重户外广告与其他媒体的结合使用,根据企业自身实际状况,将户外广告设置在适宜的位置上。不仅广告主走向理性化投放,在户外广告公司专业化的进程中,也涌现了诸多既具相当规模又独具特色专长的户外广告服务机构,为企业量身定制媒体策略,作为战略伙伴与企业并肩战斗。本期焦点选择了部分有代表性的户外广告主与户外媒体服务机构,希望通过这些一线工作者的观点与案例阐述,对广告主运用户外广告有所裨益。 Outdoor advertising is growing at an unprecedented rate in our country. Apart from the inherent characteristics of outdoor advertising and the reasons for continuous improvement, the media environment is becoming more and more numerous and complicated, and advertisers have diversified ways of broadcasting and integration is also an important reason. In the context of more and more enterprises choose outdoor advertising, advertisers face more intense competition in the eye, how to use outdoor advertising has become a problem that needs urgent attention. In addition to outdoor advertising coverage and appeal points more and more targeted, and strive to reduce that “waste of the other ”, advertisers also focus on outdoor advertising combined with other media use, according to the actual situation of their own businesses, outdoor advertising Set in the appropriate location. Not only advertisers move towards rationalization, in the process of professionalization of outdoor advertising companies, there are also many outdoor advertising service agencies with both large-scale and unique specialties, tailor-made media strategies for enterprises, as strategic partners and enterprises Fight side by side. In this issue, we selected some representative outdoor advertisers and outdoor media service agencies. We hope that through the perspectives and case studies of these front-line workers, we hope that advertisers can benefit from the use of outdoor advertising.
目的:研究骨愈灵胶囊对骨性关节炎家兔模型关节液和血清中TNF-α表达的影响。 方法:采用Hulth造模法建立OA模型,造模后肌注青霉素一周,预防感染,4周后灌胃,6周后取血清,测定TNF-
背景:甲状腺相关性眼病(thyroid associated ophthal—mopathy,TAO)又名Graves眼病(Graves’ophthalmopathy,GO)是一种器官特异性自身免疫性疾病[1]。其症状表现为甲状腺肿大、
本论文分为临床观察、实验研究两个部分临床观察 目的:回顾性调查分析益气化瘀清热方治疗儿童难治性肾病综合征临床疗效。方法:采用回顾性纵向对比研究分析2013年7月至2014年7
目的:本课题以中医理论为指导,在导师以往临床和实验研究的基础上,观察具有补肾活血功用的中药制剂健步汤治疗糖尿病性骨质疏松症(diabetes osteoporosis,DOP)的临床疗效及中医
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目的:通过研究补肾化瘀固冲法对肾虚血瘀型先兆流产患者D-二聚体及凝血机制的影响,探讨补肾化瘀固冲法的作用机理,为临床保胎治疗提供有效药物及依据。  方法:临床收集60例符合
近日,贵州省毕节市黔西县检察院的干警应邀到市场监管局开展廉政警示教育培训活动,来自该单位的全体干部职工参加活动。  检察干警结合市场监管系统的性质,给大家讲解了党和国家关于惩治和预防渎职侵权犯罪的方针政策、法律法规,并结合2015年以来发生在身边的典型案例,讲解什么是职务犯罪,职务犯罪给国家、社会、家庭和自身造成的危害性和后果的严重性;同时,检察干警还深入剖析市场监管领域职务犯罪案件的特点,告诫广