本研究用实验流行病学的方法同步对比了宫形器、不锈钢单环、MLCu250和TCu220c四种宫内节育器在农村妇女中的使用效果,为临床和决策者选择效能优越的节育器提供基础数据. 江苏大丰县711名22~32岁、一胎一产,分娩后3~9个月,应采取避孕措施的哺乳期妇女(哺乳期停经的妇女在两次尿妊娠试验阴性后置入)于1985年8月,由中心医院经过培训,水平相似的医生,在月经周期的第八天随机单盲置入四种宫内节育器.并定期随访。
In this study, the experimental epidemiological methods were used simultaneously to compare the effectiveness of four types of IUDs, stainless steel single rings, MLCu250 and TCu220c in rural women, and provided the basis for clinical and policy makers to choose effective IUDs Data.Difeng County, Jiangsu Province, 711 22 to 32 years old, one child a birth, 3 to 9 months after delivery, should take contraceptive measures of lactating women (breast-feeding women with postmenopausal urine pregnancy test negative after the placement) In August 1985, doctors of similar level who had been trained in the Central Hospital were randomly assigned to one of four IUDs on the eighth day of the menstrual cycle and followed up regularly.