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自1988年国务院批准惠州市为沿海经济开放区以来,这颗大亚湾畔的南海明珠大放光彩,备受国内外投资者瞩目,成为投资的新热点。八十年代末,中国最大的外商独资企业熊猫汽车公司到惠州落户了。九十年代初,中国最大的合资企业南海石化公司又选址在惠州。到1991年5月底止,惠州市累计签订利用外资合同5442宗,其中“三资企业”654宗,“三来一补”4788宗,合资投资金额13.34亿美元,实际利用外资5.35亿美元。纷至沓来的外商有港澳地区和东南亚、西欧、北欧、南北美、南朝鲜等20多个国家,还有我国台湾省的工商业者也来这里投资办企业。1990年全市出口总值2.86亿美元中,“三资企业”和“三来一补”企业出口部分占全市出口总值的70%。惠州市位于广东省东南部和珠江三角洲的东北端, Since the State Council approved Huizhou as a coastal economic open area in 1988, the Pearl of the South China Sea, which is on the shore of the Daya Bay, has been shining brightly and has attracted the attention of domestic and foreign investors and has become a new hot spot for investment. At the end of the 1980s, Panda Motors, the largest wholly foreign-owned enterprise in China, settled in Huizhou. In the early 1990s, Nanhai Petrochemical Company, China’s largest joint venture company, was also located in Huizhou. By the end of May 1991, Huizhou Municipality had signed a total of 5442 contracts on the use of foreign capital, including 654 “three foreign investment enterprises” and 4,788 “three replacements”. The joint venture investment amounted to 1.334 billion U.S. dollars and the actual utilization of foreign investment was 535 million U.S. dollars. There are more than 20 foreign countries from Hong Kong, Macao, Southeast Asia, Western Europe, Northern Europe, South America, North Korea, and South Korea, as well as industrial and commercial companies from Taiwan Province of China who have come here to invest in companies. In 1990, the city’s total value of exports was 286 million U.S. dollars. Exports of “three foreign-funded enterprises” and “three-to-one compensation” enterprises accounted for 70% of the city’s total export value. Huizhou City is located at the northeastern end of the Guangdong Province and the Pearl River Delta.
据说清朝年间,坐落在四川成都西郊的杜甫草堂里的塑像,因年久失修而坍塌,当时的四川制台请来几位工匠重塑。工匠们接连塑了十几次,制台都不满意,认为塑得 It is said that
同为地方大学生入伍到人武系统,潘扬战友专业不对口之类的苦闷我也经历过。 战友困惑之一是专业不对口,我以为只要克服武装工作无所谓和无作为的偏颇认识,这不应该是影响成
国际计量测试联合会(IMEKO)第12届世界大会,于l991年9月5日至10日在北京亚运村的国际会议中心召开。来自37个国家和地区的约500名专家和科学家出席了大会。 IMEKO筹建于1958
夹杂在夏与秋之间的八月是个尴尬的月份。最热的天儿算是过去了,我们可以整顿一下被炎热的天气弄得蔫呼呼的心情了吧? August, which is between summer and autumn, is a
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