Effects of regulating intestinal microbiota on anxiety symptoms: A systematic review

来源 :综合精神医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tttde123
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Background?Anxiety symptoms are common in mental diseases and a variety of physical disorders, especially in disorders related to stress. More and more basic studies have indicated that gut microbiota can regulate brain function through the gut-brain axis, and dysbiosis of intestinal microbiota was related to anxiety. However, there is no specific evidence to support treatment of anxiety by regulating intestinal microbiota. Aims?To find evidence supporting improvement of anxiety symptoms by regulation of intestinal microbiota. Methods?This systematic review of randomised controlled trials was searched based on the following databases:PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, OVID, Web of Knowledge, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data, VIP databases and SinoMed. The retrieval time dated back to 25 July 2018. Then we screened research literatures based on established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Quality evaluation for each included study was done using the Cochrane risk of bias and the Jadad scale. Results?A total of 3334 articles were retrieved and 21 studies were included which contained 1503 subjects. In the 21 studies, 14 chose probiotics as interventions to regulate intestinal microbiota and six chose non-probiotic ways such as adjusting daily diets. Probiotic supplements in seven studies contained only one kind of probiotic, two studies used a product that contained two kinds of probiotics and the supplements used in the other five studies included at least three kinds of probiotics. In the studies that used treatment as usual plus interventions regulating intestinal flora (IRIF) as interventions (five studies), only non-probiotic ways were effective (two studies), which means 40% of studies were effective; in the studies that used IRIF alone (16 studies, 11 studies used probiotic ways and 5 studies used non-probiotic ways), 56% of studies could improve anxiety symptoms, and 80% of studies that conducted the non-probiotic interventions were effective, while 45% of studies that used probiotic supplementations had positive effects on anxiety symptoms. Overall, 11 studies showed a positive effect on anxiety symptoms by regulating intestinal microbiota, which indicated 52% of the 21 studies were effective, and there were five studies that used probiotic supplements as interventions and six used non-probiotic interventions. In addition, it should be noted that six of seven studies showed that regulation of intestinal microbiota could treat anxiety symptoms, the rate of efficacy was 86%. Conclusions?We find that more than half of the studies included showed it was positive to treat anxiety symptoms by regulation of intestinal microbiota. There are two kinds of interventions (probiotic and non-probiotic interventions) to regulate intestinal microbiota, and it should be highlighted that the non-probiotic interventions were more effective than the probiotic interventions. More studies are needed to clarify this conclusion since we still cannot run meta-analysis so far.
摘 要:《英语新课程标准》中指出,要激发和培养学生学习英语兴趣,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定综合语言运用能力。在英语教学中,听、说、读、写是四项基本技能。  关键词:小学英语;朗读教学;示范  朗读在英语教学中起着至关重要的作用,而现阶段教学中的朗读训练已经不能很好地满足学生英语综合水平全面提高的要求。那么该如何更好地进行朗读教学呢?结合教学实践,我觉得应该做到以下几
摘 要:教学有没有效益,并不是教师又没有完成教学内容或教得认不认真,而是指学生有没有学到什么或者是学生学得好不好。如果学生不想学或哲学了没有收获,即使教师教得再辛苦也是无效教学。凡是能有效的促进学生发展,有效实现预期教学效果的教学活动,都可以称之为有效教学。  关键词:美术课堂;教学;有效性  所谓“有效”,主要是通过教师在一段时间的教学后,学生所获得的具体进步或发展。美术课堂教学的有效性,是指美