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我国罐头食品产量40年增加4千多倍罐头工业是我国食品工业主要行业之一。我国的罐头工业始于1906年,上海泰丰食品公司是第一家罐头食品加工厂,此后,在少数省市建立了几个工厂,但规模小,手工操作多,产销量甚微,1949年全国罐头食品年产量仅484吨。新中国成立后,随着国民经济的恢复和发展,罐头食品产量逐年增长。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,农村经济体制改革和对外开放等一系列政策的实施,经济作物种植面积扩大和单位面积产量大幅度增加.为罐头工业提供了适销品种的原料,如蘑菇、芦笋、蕃茄、黄桃等等。因此。罐头食品生产和出口有了迅速发展。1993年罐头食品的总产量达225.75万吨,“七五”(1986~1990年)计划期间,累计总产量为936万吨,出口263万吨,创汇约30亿美元。1993年出口创汇8亿多美元,占国际市场份额7% The output of canned food in China has increased by more than 4,000 times in 40 years. Canned food industry is one of the major industries in China’s food industry. China’s canning industry began in 1906. Shanghai Taifeng Foods Co., Ltd. was the first canned food processing factory. Since then, several factories have been established in a few provinces and cities. However, the scale is small, the number of manual operations is relatively small, and the production and sales volume is minimal. The annual output of canned food in the country is only 484 tons. After the founding of New China, with the recovery and development of the national economy, canned food production has increased year by year. In particular, since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the implementation of a series of policies such as the reform of the rural economic system and opening up to the outside world has resulted in an increase in the area under cultivation of economic crops and a significant increase in the output per unit area. This has provided the canned industry with raw materials of marketable varieties, such as Mushrooms, asparagus, tomatoes, yellow peaches, etc. therefore. Canned food production and exports have grown rapidly. In 1993, the total output of canned food reached 2.275 million tons. During the period of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” (1986-1990), the cumulative total output was 9.36 million tons and exports 2.63 million tons, and foreign exchange earned about 3 billion US dollars. Export of more than 800 million U.S. dollars in 1993, accounting for 7% of the international market share
精益生产方式已成为世界制造业追求的热点,本文阐述了精益生产方式的应用条件与环境,以及如何形成精益生产的应用环境。 The lean production method has become a hot pursui
提出了一种可同时生成零件级作业计划和工序级作业计划的方法,并据此开发了一种计划与控制软件。该方法克服了传统的分层计划方法和MRP的缺陷,保证了计划的一致性与可行性。 A me
“崇州市人武部党委‘一班人’风气正、学习好,带出了一个省级先进人武部,是一个勤政、团结、创业的班子。”成都军区、四川省军区领导这样评价崇州市人武部党委。 群雁高飞