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我院1963~1982年共收治同时性双侧甲状腺癌12例,占同期甲状腺癌的5.9%,兹报告如下。临床资料一、性别和年龄:本组男性5例,女性7倒。年龄最小16岁,最大53岁,平均37岁,与单侧甲状腺癌发病年龄基本相似。二、症状:1例为甲状腺机能亢进症,11例为两侧甲状腺结节性肿大。病程在1年以内6例,1~3年3例,6年以上2例。双侧甲状腺结节形态与大小相似,直径<4cm的9例,>6cm的2例。甲亢者无结节。三、术前诊断:术前本组均未能确诊。10例被诊为结节性甲状腺肿,其中仅2例怀疑一侧有癌变。1例诊断为双侧甲状腺瘤。另1例诊断为甲状腺机能亢进症。四、手术方法和病理诊断:本组首次手术行双侧甲状腺次全切除9例,其中1例加左侧颈部扩清术;近全切除术3例,其中1例加左侧颈部扩清术。延期手术共做7例,其中颈部扩清术3例,改良颈部扩清术4例,除2例外均加残甲切除术,另有4例拒绝做颈部扩清术。病理诊断:双侧乳头状癌6例,双侧滤泡状癌2例,双侧混合型癌1例,一侧乳头状癌、另侧 In our hospital from 1963 to 1982, 12 cases of bilateral thyroid cancer were treated, accounting for 5.9% of thyroid cancer in the same period. Clinical data 1. Sex and age: There were 5 males and 7 females in this group. The youngest is 16 years old and the oldest is 53 years old, with an average age of 37 years. It is basically similar to the age of onset of unilateral thyroid cancer. Second, the symptoms: 1 case of hyperthyroidism, 11 cases of bilateral thyroid nodular enlargement. The disease duration ranged from 1 year to 6 cases, 1 to 3 years to 3 cases, and 6 years to 2 cases. Bilateral thyroid nodules were similar in morphology and size, with 9 cases with diameter <4 cm and 2 cases with >6 cm. The hyperthyroidism is no nodules. Third, preoperative diagnosis: The preoperative group were not confirmed. Ten cases were diagnosed as nodular goiters, of which only two had cancer on one side. One patient had a diagnosis of bilateral thyroid tumors. The other case was diagnosed as hyperthyroidism. IV. Surgical methods and pathological diagnosis: In this group, 9 cases of bilateral thyroid subtotal resection were performed for the first time, of which 1 case plus left cervical dilatation; 3 cases of total resection, including 1 case plus left neck enlargement Qing Shu. A total of 7 cases of delayed surgery were performed, including 3 cases of neck dissection, 4 cases of improved neck dissection, and 2 cases of remnant resection. Another 4 cases refused to perform neck dissection. Pathological diagnosis: 6 cases of bilateral papillary carcinoma, 2 cases of bilateral follicular carcinoma, 1 case of bilateral mixed type carcinoma, one side papillary carcinoma, and other side
病历摘要 患者,男,21岁,于1982年11月开始咳嗽、多痰、右胸痛及发热感(未测体温)。1周后憋气,咯鲜红色血块,并发现胸壁静脉充盈。在某院摄胸片,诊为大叶性肺炎,予抗感染治疗