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欧共体决定对我出口松香的反倾销调查,中土畜林化产品进出口公司等七家公司,积极应诉,终于使欧共体撤销调查的动议。《欧共体官方公报》2月12日正式刊登了关于终止对中国产松香进行反倾销调查的决定。1992年5月葡萄牙松香生产厂家向欧共体委员会正式提交了关于对中国松香开展反倾销调查的申请。经过审查,欧共体委员会正式在当年8月1日公布了对中国产松香进行反倾销调查的通知。以中土畜林化产品进出口公司为牵头人的七家公司及时聘请了高特兄弟律师事务所,代表他们进行应诉的有关准备工作。1993年2月,中国的上述七家公司负责本案应诉工作的人员放弃春节与家人团聚的机会,赴布鲁塞尔参加由欧共体委员会组织的听证会,在听证会上据理力争。在此之后,七家公司和高特兄弟律 The European Community decided to carry out anti-dumping investigations on the export of rosin to me, and seven companies such as the Sino-Turkish Livestock Products Import and Export Company actively responded to the complaint and finally caused the European Community to withdraw the investigation. The Official Journal of the European Communities officially published on February 12 its decision to terminate the anti-dumping investigation against Chinese rosin. In May 1992, the Portuguese rosin manufacturer formally submitted an application to the European Commission on the anti-dumping investigation against Chinese rosin. After review, the European Commission officially announced on August 1 that year a notice of anti-dumping investigations on Chinese-made rosin. The seven companies led by China National Animal Husbandry Products Import and Export Corporation promptly hired the Gott Brothers Law Firm to represent them in the preparations for responding. In February 1993, the seven Chinese companies responsible for responding to the case abandoned the opportunity to reunite with their families during the Spring Festival and went to Brussels to attend a hearing organised by the European Community Committee. They argued strongly at the hearing. After that, seven companies and the Gotthards
THE central government recently slashedimport licences and quotas on 195 for-eign products in a move designed to en-hance free trade as the deadline to en-ter
China’ s foreign trade surged 24.8 percent to $117. 55 billion in the firstseven months of this year with a deficit of$70 million, according to the ChineseGen