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50年前,钱学森为强国之梦的强烈感情所驱动,经 过艰难曲折的斗争,摆脱美国当局的重重阻挠,投身到 祖国的怀抱。几十年如一日,他以全身心的热情从事国 防科技事业,奠定了中国航天事业的根基,取得了一个 又一个辉煌的成功。他是无产阶级知识分子的光辉典 范。在钱学森同志归国50周年之际,学习钱学森,将 会激励我们热爱祖国,奋斗成才,报效国家。 现将钱学森先生的学术助手涂元季同志在“纪念 钱学森归国50周年座谈会”上的主题发言编辑成文,奉 献给广大读者,以此向人民科学家钱学森同志致敬,并 衷心祝愿钱老健康长寿! Fifty years ago, Qian Xuesen was driven by the strong feelings of the dream of a powerful nation and, after a difficult and tortuous struggle, got rid of the many obstacles of the U.S. authorities and plunged into the embrace of the motherland. Decades ago, he devoted himself to national defense science and technology undertaking with his wholehearted passion, laid the foundation for China's space undertaking and made brilliant achievements one after another. He is a shining example of proletarian intellectuals. In the 50th anniversary of the return of Comrade Qian Xuesen, studying Qian Xuesen will inspire us to love the motherland, strive for success and serve the country. Mr. Tu Yuanji, the academic assistant of Mr. Qian Xuesen, edited and published the keynote speech on “Symposium on Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Qian Xuesen's Return to China”, paying tribute to the people's scientist Qian Xuesen and sincerely wished Qian Lao a long and healthy life!
采用以稳定同位素为内标的微透析技术,研究清醒自由活动下大鼠脑局部药动学过程。健康SD大鼠为研究对象,以尼古丁(nicotine)为模型药物,以氘代尼古丁(deuterium labeled nico
△主机:intellec系列Ⅲ/Ⅳ开发系统IBM PC AT;PC XT,和兼容(3.0)机△8个执行断点的软件,能选择启开和关闭△12MHZ仿真速度。△装拆简单△MCS-96软件支持程序包 △ host: in
HP 公司正在开发下一代计算机。这项开发设计的代号名为谱(spectrum),因为新的计算机系统将包括一系列型号,从工作站到比任何现有 HP 产品都大的系统,它们的结构是相同的。
Based on the characteristic of natural disaster, this paper studies the classification of thedisaster loss. Then it mainly discusses the assessment method of ec
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