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大多地方性院校皆以“高水平应用型大学”为自己的发展目标,在这一背景下,如何改革古代汉语的教学内容和教学方法,是提高古代汉语的教学效率和质量有效途征之一。 Most of the local colleges and universities are based on “high level applied university ” for their own development goals, in this context, how to reform the ancient Chinese teaching content and teaching methods, is to improve the teaching efficiency and quality of ancient Chinese effectively One of the signs.
RNA interference (RNAi) technology is a powerful tool for identifying gene functions. Chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) is an ideal model for studying the interac
In this study,PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was applied to analyze the microbial communities in lake sediments from Lake Xuanwu,Lake Mochou
RNA interference (RNAi) is a phenomenon of gene silence induced by a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) homologous to a target gene.RNAi can be used to identify the fu
一、离开淮阴去淮安 1946年元旦刚过,新华社华中总分社社长范长江同志对我说:“盐阜地委要调你回去编火众报。”在1945春,王阑西同志调我到《盐阜大众》报,当时我对他说:“
Partial cDNA sequences coding for antifreeze proteins in Tenebrio molitor were obtained by RT-PCR.Sequence analysis revealed nine putative cDNAs with a high deg
In this paper,we propose a new system for understanding the biodiversity in different conservation areas.It includes three aspects:the capacity,the connectivity