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  In the module of Applied Photography, several impressive photography terms have been come out, such as RED eye disambiguation, flash synchronization, etc.
  We also discussed a lot of camera techniques, such as the macro photography, street photography, fashion photography, social documentary photography and high-speed photography. During the process of photography, there is one particular technique attract researcher’s attention regarding several photography skills, which is Bokeh light effects.
  Therefore, this essay will mainly deal with the concept of Bokeh and the approaches to creating good Bokeh light effects. This article will concentrate on the Bokeh effect in the photography industry; it mainly provides necessary information and different methods to produce excellent Bokeh photography.
  The key methods of Bokeh will be involved in the following paragraphs. Also, we will relate Bokeh light effects into our workshop experience and see the influence of our pictures. Moreover, the difficulties of filming Bokeh effects will be analysed in refer to the workshops. In the following paragraph, some stunning Bokeh photograph examples and several Bokeh Photography artists will be mentioned. Finally, the conclusion will conclude all the major approaches of Bokeh and the influence of Bokeh light effect during the process of photography.
  “Bokeh is the quality of the portion of a photograph that is not in sharp focus (Harmer, 2010)”. The word Bokeh was origin from Japanese means ‘blur’ or ‘haze’ in English. The reason this essay aims at Bokeh photography is that Bokeh photography can give people a new view of our familiar world. For instance, the appendix picture ‘Bokehlicious NY Streets’ from photographer DeaPeaJay shows a different New York Street compare with the standard image. “DeaPeaJay expertly handles the balance between the tree in the foreground with the lights of New York behind, achieving just the right level of focus and blur” (Adam, 2010).
  Basically, Bokeh is rendered by the lens, it appears to let audience concentrate on a particular area of the image, and at the same times keep the focal region outside. The reason Bokeh picture is hard to capture is that photographer has to find the subject in a short focal distance (Renfrey, 2014).
  There are vast differences between good Bokeh and bad Bokeh. A good Bokeh’s background have soft blur with smooth round circles of light, which create a natural and comfortable atmosphere of the picture. For instance, the appendix ‘Bokeh Snow Tree’ from Pink Sherbet not only provides a gorgeous view of blurred snowflake and tree but also create a winter atmosphere in the whole picture.   On the other hand, the bad Bokeh may be hard to define, but sometimes people can see a bad Bokeh as a terrible picture. Bad Bokeh tends to be with sharp edges of circles and unpleasant quality of the blur (Mansurov, 2009).
  One of the most significant reason to conduct research related to Bokeh is the researcher accidently captured a picture with a faint halo during the workshop in Applied Photography module (See Appendix 3 Halo). Although the whole picture does not have Bokeh effect, it leads researcher into a new subject in photography.
  During the process of conducting this topic, there are three key ways to achieve good Bokeh according to Annie Tao, who’s a Professional Lifestyle Photographer in the San Francisco. At first, in order to create nice Bokeh, the right lens is extremely crucial, Annie found the greatest Bokeh is often from “prime lenses with large apertures, such as f/2.8 and f/1.8” (Tao, 2013). By using the faster lens, it could create great Bokeh effect when people are shooting photographs (See Appendix 4). The second approach is to select a large aperture; the larger aperture can narrow the depth of field that create visible Bokeh in the shooting (Tao, 2013). Third, enlarge the distance between the background and the subject, it would create better Bokeh (Tao, 2013).
  On the other hand, there are some other aspects we should pay attention to, such as the minimum focusing distance (MFD). The Photographer Jason D. Little said, “Every lens has the minimum focusing distance…the concept of getting close to your subject while blurring the background is maximised in macro lenses (Little, 2013). ” He also thinks it would be a terrible idea if people overcompensate the picture. Bokeh should be used after people found the subject and established good position (Little, 2013).
  My favourite photographer is Takashi Kitajima, who is a professional photographer and engineer from Japan. His photographs contain a lot of Bokeh effect; he prefers to deliberately not focus light in the photos, which make pictures stunning and colourful. From his series of ‘Extra Bokeh’, he creates a lot of photos with remarkable Bokeh effect, such as the Roadside Tree, Shadow of the Loneliness, Blow out the Candles.
  Although we did not use the Bokeh light effects in the workshops, there are several places where are suitable for taking Bokeh light effects. For instance, in street photography, we went to the City Centre took a lot of pictures contains magnificent street view. At night in the city centre, there are a lot of Christmas Lights around the street, which makes the perfect background for taking Christmas Bokeh picture. Such as Appendix 5, the Christmas lights is the background of the picture, and the subject is a star accessory may from Christmas tree. Although we did not take the image at night during workshops, it would be a good idea if we go outside take pictures related to Bokeh when the lights on.   About the difficulties of taking a picture with Bokeh, it would be hard to select an appropriate subject, at first, the background of the photo also hard to choose because there should be a contrast between the subject and background. Such as Appendix 2, the subject is the greyish tree, the background is white snow and dark sky. The strong contrast between white snow and grey tree make the whole picture looks attractive and graceful. Another obstacle to taking Bokeh picture is adjusting the lens, to deal with this problem, we might take pictures by using the different lens in the photography. From my perspective, the angle of the photo also influences the effect of Bokeh, thus, we should try different angles as much as we can.
  With the development of technology and photography industry, the Bokeh photography is becoming more and more popular photography technique regarding different photography skills. Due to its large impact, photographers tends to seek some special ways to create Bokeh picture, either by using Photoshop create visible Bokeh image or artificially controlled the percentage of Bokeh. Those phenomena show the Bokeh is one of the biggest parts in the photography industry.
  In conclusion, this essay focuses on Bokeh concept in photography, we discussed the definition of Bokeh light effect at first. Then we talked about approaches to creating Bokeh effects. At first, we can create Bokeh effects by using the large aperture. Second, using fast lens can make more visible Bokeh effect in photography. Third, adjust an appropriate distance between subject and background is very significant for Bokeh photography. After discussed the approaches, we mentioned the workshop experience in relating to Bokeh pictures, such as street photography workshop and winter garden workshop. Also, the photographer Takashi Kitajima was mentioned in the essay. Moreover, we made some suggestions about where might be the suitable place to conduct Bokeh photography. Finally, we perform several difficulties of conduction Bokeh photography and made suggestions about those obstacles.
  [1]Adam,J.(2010)Beautiful Examples od Bokeh at:
  [2]Harmer,J.(2010)How to Achieve Better Bokeh-4Simple Tips.Digital Photography School.
  [3]Accessed at:
  [4]Littele,J.(2013)6 Tips for Mastering Bokeh.Light
  [5]Accessed at:
  [6]Mansurov,N.(2009)What is Bokeh? Photography Life.
  [7]Accessed at:
  [9]Accessed at:
  [10]Tao,A.(2013)How To Achieve Nice Bokeh.Digital Photography School.
  [11]Accessed at:
【摘要】图片在小学英语教学过程当中,是一种十分常见的教学工具,由于小学生对图片的喜欢,所以教师使用图片开展教学活动能够有效地提高教学效率。而丰富多彩的图片资源能够调动起学生们的积极性,激发学生的学习热情,显著提升学生的学习效果。本文主要针对图片在小学英语教学中的应用进行分析,并提出了相关的建议,希望能够为广大教育工作者起到一些参考作用。  【关键词】图片;小学英语教学;应用;思考  【作者简介】法
【摘要】写作作为学生个人综合能力的体现,一直以来都是学生学习的薄弱环节。阅读与写作是相互依赖、相互促进的关系,阅读教学与写作教学的有机的融合,能有效提高学生的英语语言运用能力特别是写作能力。  【关键词】大学英语;阅读;写作;融合  【作者简介】安秀梅(1964- ),女,山西榆次人,山西大学商务学院。  在大学英语教学特别是写作教学中,长期存在着“教师教学难,学生写作难”的现象,要想解决这一问题
【摘要】自社会步入现代化以来,教育事业也迎来了一次改变和提升,采用多媒体辅助教学的课堂占比越来越多,多媒体的加入使得课堂变得更加生动有趣,也对学生们的英语阅读能力,写作能力的提高有无可替代的作用,让原来的只由教师单方面授课,学生被动的听讲相比,教学效率大幅提高,本文将列举多媒体辅助教学对小学英语课堂的种种优势。  【关键词】多媒体;小學;英语课堂  【作者简介】冯丽丽,广东省肇庆四会市东城中心小学
【Abstract】 As early as the 19th century, historical comparative linguists found the cross-linguistic influence in the study of language communication. In the second language acquisition process, the u
【摘要】翻转课堂,实现了传统课堂中知识讲授与知识内化两个阶段的逆转,实现了信息技术与教学的融合,将传统课堂的知识讲授提前到课前,课堂的时间则用来小组讨论、解决问题,这样一种新的教学模式赋予教师角色新的内涵。本文从翻转课堂的起源、发展与定义入手,结合翻轉课堂教学模式下对一线教师的个案研究,分析了该教学模式下教师角色以及提出相应的转变对策,希望能够对教师队伍的发展提供一定的思路。  【关键词】翻转课堂
【摘要】本文分析了现阶段我国大多数英语专业课程设置的现状和发展情况,结合分析了在以内容为依托的教学方法下,内容和语言融合这种教学模式在英语专业课程体系设置中的推进作用,并且论证了内容和语言融合的教学体系课程设置的可行性。从整体来看,这种教学模式对现有英语专业技能本位的课程体系设置具有积极地指导作用。  【关键词】语言技能;内容依托;英语专业;课程设置  【作者简介】余兰(1980-),女,贵州医科
【Abstract】Through the analysis of Cat in the rain from the point of Semiotic Square, this paper aims to reveal the heroine ‘s respective relationship with cat, the hotel owner and her husband and poin
【摘要】本文主要对大学英语教学中学生跨文化交际能力的培养进行了研究,从“一带一路”的背景出发,首先说明了当代大学英语教学中进行跨文化交际能力培养的必要性和现状,然后从英语教学的各个方面,对大学英语教学中培养学生跨文化交际能力的具体措施进行了详细论述,旨在提升学生的跨文化交际能力,为我国“一带一路”战略培养更多高水平跨文化交际人才。  【关键词】一带一路;大学英语教学;跨文化交际;培养方法  【作者
【摘要】英语是一门公共基础课程,是职业院校各学科的必修科目,也是展现学生综合素质的基础性学科。但是反思当前的中職英语,会发现普遍存在着英语基础薄弱、专业性差等问题,影响着英语学习。以汽车专业为例,借助微课的辅助,能够帮助学生实现预习、复习等学习辅助,还能进行知识的补充与拓展,增强学生的自学能力。  【关键词】微课;汽车专业;英语课堂  【作者简介】胡宝月(1992.04-),女,汉族,吉林通化人,
【摘要】基于对广东省5所地方院校的978名英语专业学生的问卷调查和访谈,本文对英语专业学生在互联网 背景下的自主学习情况、自主学习的时间分配与成本、利用互联网进行英语学习的资源分类、互联网自主学习后的成效和对互联网自主学习的评价与看法等方面进行了调研,并对调研结果进行了总结和分析;并基于本次调研结果对如何培养英语专业学生利用互联网进行自主学习的能力提出一些合理化建议。  【关键词】互联网 ;英语专