
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong438
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2013年1月24日,中国价格协会二届七次常务理事(扩大)会议暨全国价格协会系统先进单位、先进个人及价格调研优秀成果表彰大会在京召开。来自全国各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及副省级省会城市价格协(学)会和直属协会、分会(专业委员会)180余人参加会议。国家发改委价格监督检查与反垄断局局长许昆林、价格司副司长周望军、人事司副巡视员张予丹出席会议。 On January 24, 2013, the 7th executive director (enlarged) meeting of China Price Association and the award-winning assembly of advanced units and advanced individuals of the National Price Association and price survey were held in Beijing. More than 180 people from all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan and the provincial capital cities under the provincial government and more than 180 people directly under the Association and branches (professional committees) attended the meeting. Xu Kunlin, director of price supervision, inspection and antitrust authorities of NDRC, Zhou Wangjun, deputy director of Price Department, and Zhang Yidan, deputy inspector of the personnel department attended the meeting.
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背景与目的: 人微小病毒B19(Human Parvovirus B19)是微小病毒科微小病毒属中目前已知的唯一使人类致病的病毒,也是动物病毒中体积最小结构最简单的DNA病毒。主要经呼吸道和
【目的】克隆棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera硫氧还蛋白类似基因(Ha Trx-like)的cDNA全长并进行序列分析,研究HaTrx-like基因的时间和空间表达模式以及参与抵抗机械损伤、紫外线
背景和目的 隐孢子虫病(Cryptosporidiosis)是一种全球性的人兽共患寄生虫病,有着重要公共卫生意义。隐孢子虫可寄生于禽类、哺乳类、爬行类和两栖类等170种以上的人和动物
目的:电流通过人体引起的可感知的物理效应称为电击,因电流作用导致人体死亡,称电击死(electric death)。在法医实践中由电流引起的损伤或死亡比较多见,且多为意外或灾害事故,也
According to Shanghai Apparel Association, in November Shanghai top 10 department stores’ apparel retail sales, compared to last month dropped greatly, but com
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