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为适应发展需要,加强系统总体工作,1999年9月29日,中国兵器科学研究院系统总体部在北京成立。总装备部王统业中将,国防科工委副主任张维民,集团公司总经理马之庚、副总经理曹德生,空海军、二炮、总参二、三、四部及兄弟部门的领导到会祝贺并讲了话。王统业中将及张维民副主任在讲话中分别对系统总体部今后的工作寄予了希望。集团公司总经理马之庚在讲话中对组建系统总体部的重要意义进行了阐述,对下一步的工作提出了具体要求,指出:要高度重视、切实抓好队伍建设,必须把人才培养和队伍建设作为首要任务落实好;要按新机制运行,按现代企业的管理模式进行管理,建立与现代企业制度相一致的收入分配制度,形成有效的激励和约束机制。领导机关和集团公司及系统总体部共100多人参加了成立大会。 In order to meet the needs of development and strengthen the overall work of the system, on September 29, 1999, the General Department of the Chinese Ordnance Science Institute was established in Beijing. Director General of the General Armament Department Wang Tongye, Deputy Director of the Commission of Science and Technology for National Defense Zhang Weimin, General Manager of the Group Corporation Ma Zhigeng, Deputy General Manager Cao Desheng, Leaders of the Air Navy, Second Artillery, General Staff of the Second, Third, and Fourth Departments and Brother Departments congratulated and spoke . In the speeches, Wang Tongye Lieutenant and Zhang Weimin, deputy directors, placed hope on the future work of the overall system department. Ma Zhigeng, general manager of the group company, elaborated on the importance of the overall system of the formation of the system and put forward specific requirements for the next step. He pointed out that: To attach great importance to and earnestly do a good job of team building, we must take personnel training and team building as The first task must be well implemented; it must be operated according to the new mechanism, and be managed in accordance with the modern enterprise management model; and an income distribution system consistent with the modern enterprise system should be established to form an effective incentive and restraint mechanism. A total of more than 100 leaders and group companies and the overall system department attended the inaugural meeting.
根据国务院的决定,国家经贸委要求从现在起下力气对全国医药流通秩序进行一次集中整顿,以改变当前医药流通领域“企业多、规模小、效率低、秩序乱”的现状。 据悉,此次集中
对数据仓库技术,记者一向颇有好感,认为它是类似 ERP 系统,属于知识技术那一类,一旦用好,我们企业或机构可以利用已有的零散信息资源进行科学管理决策,降低成本和风险,增加