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理论教学内容得以减少,不追求学科体系的完整性,围绕一个个基本技能开展教学突出课程主线,抓住教学内容中的重点、难点,对学生学习过程中的困难和问题有预测和及时分析增加实践操作,引导学生在实践中发现问题,解决问题,倡导在‘学中做’、在‘做中学’是任务驱动式教学模式的主要特点;本文目的是探索在电气自动化专业实训课程中如何建立适应学生学习的教学模式,在借鉴传统教学方式的基础上,倡导改变学生的学习方式,确立学生的主体地位,以促进学生积极主动地学习。 The content of theory teaching can be reduced, the integrity of academic system can not be pursued, the main line of teaching can be emphasized around one basic skill, the key and difficult points in teaching content can be grasped, and the difficulties and problems in the process of learning can be predicted and analyzed in time It is the main characteristic of task-driven teaching mode to practice, guide students to discover problems in practice, solve problems, advocate doing in learning and doing secondary school. The purpose of this paper is to explore how to practice in electrical automation major Establishing a teaching model that adapts to student learning, advocating the change of students ’learning style and establishing the dominant position of students on the basis of drawing lessons from the traditional teaching methods so as to promote students’ active and active learning.
In this note,we extend the algorithms Extra [13] and subgradient-push [10] to a new algorithm ExtraPush for consensus optimization with convex differentiable ob
In this paper,a novel class of exponential Fourier collocation methods (EFCMs) is presented for solving systems of first-order ordinary differential equations.T