
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyilong
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本刊现摘要刊登《兵役法》和中央(1985)22号文件中关于民兵训练的论述,是要说明这样一个问题:在民兵、预备役人员、大中学生中进行必要的军事训练、这是上了国家大法的,是中央文件规定的。在世界大战一个时期内打不起来的情况下,仍要坚持民兵训练,这是中央、全国人民代表大会、中央军委经过充分调查研究,反复论证得出的结论。我们要正确认识民兵训练在加强后备力量建设、巩固国防中的重要地位和作用。在这个问题上要防止两种偏向:一是不顾人力、物力的可能,超越人民群众的负担量,突破军委总部下达的指标,民兵训练搞得过多:一是“取消论”、认为,民兵训练不分内地与边防,富裕地区与贫困地区,应该统统取消。民兵作为我国武装力量的一个组成部分、当然需要进行与它所担负的任务相适应的训练,这是毫无疑义的。摆在我们面前的任务是,尽快使民兵训练和整个国防现代化建设协调同步。比如,怎样才能从国防现代化建设的远景出发,加强长期规划,宏观指导,改变“只顾眼前,凑训练人数”的状态:比如,怎样改革训练内容和手段,逐步使民兵训练进入高层次,改变“低级循环”的状态:又比如,怎样有计划地使民兵训练基地化、规范化,改变“训练打游击”的状态;再比如,怎样才能在人武战线形成浓厚的学术空气,等等。这一切都要我们去探索,去奋斗。 This issue of an excerpt from the Military Service Act and the document No. 22 of the Central Government (1985) on militia training is a summary of the issue of demonstrating the necessary military training among militias, reserve officers, and high and secondary students, Dafa is stipulated by the Central Government. In a time when World War I can not afford to fight, militia training should still be adhered to. This is the result of repeated investigations and studies conducted by the Central People's Congress, the National People's Congress and the Central Military Commission. We must correctly understand the important status and role of militia training in strengthening reserve forces and consolidating national defense. On this issue, we should prevent two kinds of biases. First, we will ignore the possibility of manpower and material resources, surpass the burden of the masses and break through the targets set by the headquarters of the Central Military Commission. The militia has been excessively trained. First, the theory of “cancellation” means that the militia Training regardless of the Mainland and border areas, rich areas and poor areas, should be canceled. There is no doubt that a militia, as an integral part of our armed forces, certainly needs to be trained in accordance with the tasks it is assuming. The task before us is to bring the militia training into full coordination with the modernization of the entire national defense as soon as possible. For example, how can we proceed from the long-term perspective of national defense modernization by strengthening long-term planning and macroscopic guidance and changing the state of “focusing on the number of people at hand and training them together”: for example, how to reform the content and means of training so that militia training can be gradually advanced to change “ Low cycle ”: for another example, how to systematize and standardize militia training in a planned manner and change the state of“ training and guerrilla warfare training ”; for another example, how can we form a strong academic atmosphere in people-to-armed operations? All this requires us to explore and fight.
美国战争退伍军人协会是美国最大的退伍军人组织。该协会由美国前欧洲远征军的退伍军人于1919年创立。总部设在美国的印第安纳 The American War Veterans' Association is