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  South Korea
  On May 30, 2013, Ministry of Public Administration And Security of the Republic of Korea issued the Comprehensive National Security Strategy (the “strategy”), slated for a June 19th implementation. The strategy will publish the indexes for social sex violence, domestic violence, campus violence and food safety and reduction plans for indexes in 13 fields periodically for every 6 months. Besides, the strategy also regulated that sex offenders targeting the underage will receive life sentences, and if the victims in such crimes are under 16, the offenders will be ruled out from potential probations. All sex offenders will not be granted for paroles.
  The Korean government plans to elevate the rate for accusation against sex offenders 10% annually. The police departments will turn local police stations into offices dedicated to dealing with sex crimes, and deploy additional 500 police officers to reduce the sex crime rate in campuses from 9.6% to 5.7% in 2017.
  In addition, on June 29, 2010, South Korea Parliament passed a “Chemical Castration Act”, to chemically eliminate the sexual impulsive of sex offenders who have committed sex assaults upon children under 16. This act came into effect in July, 2011, making South Korea the first Asian country to chemically castrate sex offenders.
  United States
  On May 17, 1996, former President Bill Clinton signed the Megan’s Law, stipulating that released criminals with sex-offending record to be registered in local police departments with their fingerprints, smell and DNA data reported for permanent record. Besides, after a sex offender is released, his or her information will be made available for public. In 2004, Megan’s Law was amended, enforcing sex offenders to wear a bracelet and a tracker. If an offender has committed crimes over twice, he or she must receive an enquiry every three months, and even have to report any appearance changes including bear and haircut.   1996年5月17日,克林顿总统签署了《梅根法案》,随后该法案在美国各州普及开来。“梅根”法案规定,为避免有犯罪前科者出狱后继续危害社会,警方会录取强奸犯的指纹、气味和DNA等资料,并永远存档保留。强奸犯出狱后,他所在社区的警方还会将其照片、住址、外貌特征等个人信息放到网上以供读取,提醒公众留意防范。2004年,《梅根法案》又有了进一步的发展:性侵儿童的罪犯,假释期间须佩戴手腕警告标志与电子追踪器。若一个人曾经犯案两次以上,出狱后还必须每3个月前往警方接受一次问询,甚至胡须、发型等体貌特征有所改变时,也必须及时向警方报告。
  Sex offenders are also forbidden to approach children. In Georgia, registered sex offenders are forbidden to stay within 300m with schools, churches, parks, skating rinks and public pools, and they will be immediately arrested if they tried to violate such rules. Recently, more and more states including North Carolina, Washington, Massachusetts and Arizona are laying down laws and regulations to forbid sex offenders from entering public places.
  Although laws are varied in every state, crimes of rape, molesting and even storing child pornographies are treated as felonies anywhere in America. In many states, committing sex with children under 14 will be treated as rape whether it is consenting or not. 5 states allow applying death penalties upon child rapists.
  Patronage dating breeds sex crimes. Therefore, in 1999, Japan authorities laid down laws to forbid child prostitution and pornographies. Committing sex with children under 18 will be treated as rape no matter it is consenting or not.
  Germany inflicts the most severe punishments upon child rapists in Europe. Like America, Germany treats people engaging in sex acts with children under the age of 14 as rapists. And in view of sex offenders often choose to recommit similar crimes, Germany authorities will provide people with sex offending records chances to receive chemical castration surgeries.
  United Kingdom
  The Britain puts sex education into required courses, and mandates children to receive self-protection courses from the age of 5.
  Switzerland launched a promotion called “My Body Belongs to Me” to teach children how to prevent sex assaults, using interactive exhibitions to educate children about sex assaults and how to seek help. This campaign targets not only children, but also their teachers and parents because they play an important role in safeguarding children’s healthy growth.
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