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以美国为首的帝国主义者侵略朝鲜的行动正在严重地威胁着中国的安全。全中国人民早已集中注视美国侵略者在朝鲜的行动以及在中国领土领空领海上的行动。帝国主义者的侵略野心是无止境的。美帝国主义者在今年六月二十五日发动侵朝战争,他们的阴谋绝对不止于摧毁朝鲜民主主义人民共和国,他们要并吞朝鲜,他们要侵略中国,他们要统治亚洲,他们要征服全世界。四个月来的事实,已经充分的证明了这一点。在美国指使朝鲜傀儡李承晚发动向朝鲜人民的进攻以后,美国总统杜鲁门随即命令美国海陆空军到朝鲜进行战争,他同时命令美国第七舰队侵入我国台湾领海,武力干涉我国解放台湾;他同时命令增强对越南、菲律宾等地的侵略。这些事实,证明了美帝国主义发动侵朝战争的目的是要侵略中国,侵略整个亚洲。从美帝国主义者在六月发动侵朝战争以后,其侵朝空军曾多次侵入我国东北的领空,屠杀我国的人民,炸毁我国的财产。其侵朝海军竟在公海 The invasion of North Korea by imperialists led by the United States is seriously threatening China's security. The entire Chinese people have long focused on the actions of the U.S. aggressors in North Korea and on the territorial waters of the Chinese territory. The imperialists' aggressive ambitions are endless. The U.S. imperialists launched the war of aggression against Korea on June 25 this year. Their conspiracy definitely goes beyond destroying the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. They want to annex North Korea. They want to invade China. They want to rule Asia. They want to conquer the entire world. . The facts of the past four months have fully proved this point. After the United States directed the DPRK puppet Syngman Rhee to launch attacks on the Korean people, U.S. President Truman immediately ordered the U.S. Army to carry out the war on North Korea. At the same time, he ordered the Seventh Fleet of the United States to intrude into the territorial waters of our country and interfere in our liberation of Taiwan. At the same time he ordered Increase aggression against Vietnam, the Philippines and other places. These facts prove that the purpose of the invasion of the United States by the U.S. imperialists is to invade China and invade the entire Asia. After the U.S. imperialists launched the invasion of Korea in June, their invasion of the North Korean air force has repeatedly invaded the airspace in the northeast of our country, massacred the people in our country and blew up our country's property. The invasion of the navy was actually on the high seas
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摘要 黎族人世代居住在海南岛,与其他地方迥异的地理环境、社会民俗和生产生活等造就了海南黎族独特的审美文化。作为海南本土少数民族,黎族的民族与文化发展历程已经有三千多年。在漫长的历史进程中,聪明淳朴的海南黎族在这片土地上除了开垦出了属于自身的物质财富同时也创造了丰富多彩的精神文化,具有黎族创世史诗性质的《五指山传》便是其文化的典型代表。本文主要从《五指山传》的介绍入手,对黎族创世史诗《五指山传》的审