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从本期起,我们增辟了“矿物与工业”这一园地。在这一园地里,我们将连续刊载若干文章,分别介貂与工业建设关系最密切的矿物原料。在最近几期中,我们首先介绍钢铁工业中最重要的原料——黑色金属:铁、锰、铬及黑色金属冶金用的辅助原料,如萤石、铝士矿、耐火黏土、菱镁矿等等。黑色金属和黑色冶金用的辅助原料是发展祖国重工业,建立国家工业化和国防现代化的基础所必不可缺的矿产资源。没有这些金属和辅助原料就不能炼成各种钢材,没有各种各样的钢材,就不能制造轻重工业所需要的现代化生产工具,以及国防事业上所需要的轻重武器;交通运输和建筑工业也不能离开钢铁。随着第一个五年计划,以及今后几个五年计划的胜利完成,需要愈来愈多的铁、锰、铬作为原料,同时相应地需要各种辅助原料作为熔剂和耐火材料,来满足国民经济的不断增长的要求。因此,黑色金属及其辅助原料的寻找和冶炼方面的常识就势必将引起广大读者的注意。我们增辟这一园地的目的,就是希望能够帮助读者了解工业上最重要的各种矿物原料的特徵,工业要求和工业用途,以期有助於广大群众起来参加开发祖国地下资源的伟大事业 From this issue, we have increased the “minerals and industry” garden. In this field, we will continue to publish a number of articles, which respectively cover the mineral raw materials that have the closest relationship with industrial construction. In recent periods, we first introduced the most important raw materials in the steel industry: ferrous metals: auxiliary materials for iron, manganese, chromium and ferrous metallurgy, such as fluorspar, aluminite, fire-resistant clay, magnesite, etc. . Auxiliary raw materials for ferrous metals and black metallurgy are indispensable mineral resources for the development of the heavy industry in the motherland and for the establishment of the foundation for national industrialization and national defense modernization. Without these metals and auxiliary materials, it is impossible to smelt all kinds of steel. Without a variety of steel materials, it is impossible to manufacture the modern production tools required by the heavy and light industries, and the light and heavy weapons needed for national defense; the transportation and construction industries also Can’t leave steel. With the completion of the first five-year plan and the completion of the next five-year plan, more and more iron, manganese, and chromium are needed as raw materials, and correspondingly various auxiliary materials are required as flux and refractory materials to satisfy The growing demands of the national economy. Therefore, the common sense in the search and smelting of ferrous metals and their auxiliary materials is bound to arouse the attention of readers. The purpose of our development of this garden is to help the reader understand the characteristics of the most important mineral raw materials in industry, industrial requirements and industrial uses, in order to help the masses to participate in the development of the great cause of the underground resources of the motherland.
六机部首次液压技术经验交流会,于1978年10月21至27日在云南省昆明市举行。参加这次会议的有部内外75个单位131名代表。提交会 The first hydraulic technology experience
坚持机关革命化,做到“三个面向”“五到现场”:面向群众、面向基层、面向生产;生产指挥到现场、政治工作到现 Adhere to the revolutionization of the organization, to