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省教育委员会已向各地、州、市、县教委会(局)和湖南师范大学、湘潭师范学院、湖南教育学院发出通知,转发了湖南教育杂志社《关于举办<教育调查报告>征文活动的请示》(以下简称《请示》)。省教委的通知指出:湖南教育杂志社举办这项征文活动,对于进一步贯彻中共中央《关于教育体制改革的决定》和学习、实施《义务教育法》是一件很有意义的事情。请各地、州、市教委(局)和师范院校积极组织广大教育工作者和师范院校高年级学生,特别是各级教育行政部门的负责人和中小学校长踊跃参加征文活动,做好初评和推荐工作,并运用调查研究的成果,推动教育体制改革的“施工”和《义务教育法》的实施,同时促进工作作风的转变。省教委转发的这个《请示》谈到:当前,端正教 The Provincial Education Commission has issued a notice to the education committees (bureaus) of various regions, prefectures, cities, and counties, Hunan Normal University, Xiangtan Normal College, and Hunan College of Education, and has forwarded a request for the “Education Investigation Report” essay-raising activities organized by Hunan Education Magazine. (hereinafter referred to as “information”). The notice of the Provincial Education Commission pointed out: Hunan Education Magazine organized this essay-raising event. It is a very meaningful thing to further implement the “decision on the reform of the education system” of the CPC Central Committee and to study and implement the Compulsory Education Law. Invite local, state and municipal education commissions (bureaus) and teachers’ colleges and universities to actively organize large numbers of educators and senior students of teachers’ colleges, especially the heads of educational administrative departments at all levels, and principals of primary and secondary schools to actively participate in the essay-raising activities and make preliminary assessments. And recommend work, and use the results of investigations and research to promote the implementation of the “construction” and “compulsory education law” of the reform of the education system, and at the same time promote the transformation of work style. The “recruitment” transmitted by the Provincial Board of Education mentioned: Currently, the Protestant
近年来在中考、高考统考试题中,有些题出现了这样那样的错误,应该引起足够的重视。笔者仅以考题中出现过的三例错题,加以分析 [例1]一只标有“220V 40W”字样的灯泡,把它接
为了提高战备铁路输送方案的编制速度 ,本文研究开发了应急铁路运输方案自动生成系统 ,提出了列车梯队自动划分模型和梯队铁路装载计划生成模型 ,应用表明 ,两种模型是非常实
我们经常可以从一些书、报中见到这样一类题目: 若sinA、cosA是ax~2+bx+c=0的两根,(其中:a≠0,a、b、c含参数m)问a、b、c应满足什么条件? 据根与系数间的关系: 考虑到二次方
在文言文教学中,我抓住三类词语,运用启发式,引导学生深入钻研,寻幽探胜,以培养学生独立获取知识的能力. 一、抓住似同实异而课本无注释的词语,引导学生辨析古今词义的异同.
在“两角和与差的三角函数”一章中,一类求值问题是教学中的难点。这类习题数量多,形式广,难度大。比如,不查表,求下列各式的值: 能突破一道、二道,还未必能解另外几道。如