
来源 :水利水电标准化与计量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xjp_djx
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在世界各地,对水资源的管理是一件令人头疼的工作。另外,饮用水的用量每年增加,在大多数国家它已经变成了一种稀少、昂贵的食品,而且这一问题所波及的并不仅仅是第三世界国家。为了保证对“公众”的服务,各国(或各地方行政单位)的领导人在水的管理方面有两种方式可供选择:直接管理或间接管理。因此在作出决定之前,各行政当局应该清楚地了解两种管理“办法”的优缺点。直接管理这是指由市镇对水资源直接管理。这是世界上最普遍的水资源管理形式, The management of water resources is a daunting task all over the world. In addition, the amount of potable water is increasing every year, and in most countries it has become a sparse and expensive food, and the issue is not the only third world country to deal with. In order to guarantee “public” service, leaders in various countries (or local administrative units) have two options in water management: direct management or indirect management. Therefore, before making a decision, all administrations should clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of management “measures.” Direct management refers to the direct management of water resources by municipalities. This is the most common form of water management in the world,
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据海关统计,2000年1—5月我国外贸进出口总值为1741.10亿美元,比上年同期上升36.1%。其中进口818.26亿美元,比上年同期上升35.4%:出口922.84亿美元,比上年同期上升36.8%。 2000
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为有效推进恩施州“一主三化”发展战略,必须抓好四大重点:壮大支柱产业,培植龙头企业,加快项目建设,扩大如商引资。本文就如如何抓好进行深入剖析探讨。 In order to effec