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目的:了解内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市农区人间布鲁菌病(简称布病)重点人群发病特征,明确布病感染相关知信行等影响因素,为制定布病预防策略和措施提供科学依据。方法:2018年采用病例-对照研究,以呼伦贝尔市农区布病重点人群流行病学调查中确诊的布病患者作为病例组,选择同期调查未患布病者为对照组,采用问卷调查方式进行布病相关知识调查,并对布病健康相关行为(包括饲养牲畜、打扫圈舍、人畜共井、免疫接种等)进行单因素和多因素logistic回归分析。结果:本次研究调查人群892人,881人有效回收问卷,其中男性445人,占50.51%;女性436人,占49.49%。年龄为(51.34 ± 11.87)岁,范围为5~83岁。布病抗体阳性153人,感染率为17.37%。其中男性感染率为22.47%(100/445),女性感染率为12.16%(53/436),男女性感染率比较差异有统计学意义(χn 2=16.331,n P < 0.05)。logistic回归分析结果显示,饲养牛、打扫圈舍、人畜共井、牛羊粪便浇地、免疫接种牲畜是布病感染危险因素( n OR=1.905、1.568、1.320、1.428、1.488,n P均< 0.05)。n 结论:呼伦贝尔市人间布病男性发病率高于女性,密切接触染疫牲畜及其排泄物等是布病感染危险因素,应该加强重点人群健康宣教和行为干预,以做好布病的有效防控工作。“,”Objective:To understand the characteristics of brucellosis in key population in rural areas of Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and clarify the influencing factors of brucellosis infection, such as knowledge, belief and behavior, so as to provide scientific basis for the formulation of brucellosis prevention strategies and measures.Methods:A case-control study was used to study the confirmed cases of brucellosis among the key population of brucellosis in Hulunbuir rural areas in 2018. The patients without brucellosis were selected as control group. A questionnaire survey was used to investigated brucellosis related knowledge. The health-related behaviors (including raising livestock, cleaning houses, wells shared by human and livestock, immunizing livestock) were analyzed by single factor variation analysis and logistic regression analysis.Results:This study investigated 892 cases of population, 881 people responded effectively to the questionnaire, including 445 males, accounting for 50.51%, 436 females, accounting for 49.49%; the age range of 5-83 years old, the average age of (51.34 ± 11.87) years old; 153 cases of brucellosis antibody positive. The infection rate of brucellosis in this area was 17.37%, in which the male infection rate was 22.47%(100/445), and the female infection rate was 12.16% (53/436). There was a significant difference between male and female(χn 2=16.331, n P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that raising cattle, cleaning houses, wells shared by human and livestock, using manure from cattle and sheep to fertilize, immunizing livestock were risk factors of brucellosis infection ( n OR=1.905, 1.568, 1.320, 1.428, 1.488, n P < 0.05).n Conclusions:The incidence rate of brucellosis in Hulunbuir is higher than that in females. Close contact with infectious livestock and their excreta is a risk factor for brucellosis infection. According to the results of this survey. It is necessary to strengthen health education and behavior intervention of key population in order to effectively prevent and control brucellosis.
目的 了解新疆伊犁地区留守儿童与非留守儿童营养健康状况,为该地区留守儿童营养均衡改善提供支持.方法 2016年9-10月在伊犁地区的3个县随机共调查18所中小学校的3 842名7~15