单月产量下降 各类贸易表现不一 1~4月我国棉纺织业经济运行分析(一)

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2011年1~4月,我国纱布产量同比增速再放缓,4月单月产量较上月环比双双出现下跌。进出口方面,原棉进口量环比下降,棉纱线进出口量快速下降,棉织物出口出现回暖,棉制纺织品进口增速放缓。总产量继续稳步增长纱、布产量同比增速再放缓。据国家统计局统计,2011年1~4月我国3891家规模以上纺纱企业累计纱产量为846.2万吨,同比增长10.58%,较上月增速再放缓2个百分点 From January to April 2011, the year-on-year growth of China’s gauze production slowed down again. The monthly output in April dropped from the previous month’s previous month’s monthly output. In terms of import and export, the import of raw cotton decreased sequentially, the import and export volume of cotton yarn dropped rapidly, the export of cotton fabrics picked up and the import of cotton textile products slowed down. Gross output continued to grow steadily Yarn and cloth production increased at a slower pace year on year. According to the statistics of National Bureau of Statistics of China, from January to April 2011, the cumulative yarn output of 3,891 spinning enterprises above designated size in the country was 8.462 million tons, up 10.58% from the same period of previous year, a deceleration of 2 percentage points from the growth in the previous month
Jean L Marx文章:美国国立心、肺和血液研究所以及国立肿瘤研究所于1982年9月8~10日在美国弗吉尼亚召开了“凝血、肿瘤和炎症”的会议,主要内容如下。血凝固不仅是防止外伤后
神经纤维瘤可单发或多发,后者称为神经纤维瘤病(von Recklinghausen’s disease)。本病多见于皮肤,累及直肠者罕见。现报告1例如下。 患者男,43岁,农民。间歇性粘液血便伴排
讨论 恶性黑色素瘤多发生于头颈部皮肤。Moore报告1546例中头颈部占27.6%,耳鼻咽喉部位占1.7~2.7%。1869年Luck首次报告了鼻腔恶性黑色素瘤及手术治疗。Grace报告48例中18例有
多发性内分泌腺病(Multiple endocrineadenopathy,MEA)属遗传性一组内分泌腺机能亢进的综合征,分三类:MEA-I、MEA-II和MEA-IIB。MEA-I即Wermer综合征,涉及甲状旁腺机能亢进(
革新的基因工程技术正为肿瘤研究者提供新的手段以探索癌症的内在原因,同时提出了仍处于实验阶段,但却颇有希望的治疗癌症的新设想。 Innovative genetic engineering techn