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2008年上半年,中国经济继续保持10.4%的增长速度,但由于世界经济增速放缓,国际原油及初级产品价格大幅度上升、美国次贷危机影响、美元贬值等诸多不利的外部环境,对石油和化工行业经济运行影响较大,行业利润空间缩小,行业经济步入高成本时代。加之人民币持续升值、消费价格指数居高不下,国家对环保、社会责任要求提升以及原料等成本价格上涨,从紧的货币政策等更是给企业生产经营带来了困难。世界经济增长的放缓,亦对出口企业带来了不利的连锁影响。分析2008年上半年中国石油和化工行业经济形势,能使我们对全行业的经济运行情况做到心中有数,以便更科学、有效地把握企业发展的大方向。从本期开始,《中国石油和化工》将对全行业的经济运行情况以及大宗产品的价格走势定期进行跟踪分析,以飨读者。 In the first half of 2008, China’s economy maintained a growth rate of 10.4%. However, due to the slowdown in world economic growth, the sharp rise in international crude oil and primary product prices, the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and other unfavorable external environment, The economic operation of the oil and chemical industries has a greater impact, the industry profit margins have narrowed, and the industry economy has entered a high-cost era. Coupled with the continued appreciation of the renminbi, the consumer price index remains high, the state’s demands for environmental protection and social responsibility have risen, and the cost price of raw materials has risen. Tight monetary policies have also brought difficulties to the production and operation of enterprises. The slowdown in world economic growth has also brought adverse chain effects to exporters. An analysis of the economic situation in China’s oil and chemical industry in the first half of 2008 will enable us to have a clear idea of ​​the economic performance of the entire industry in order to grasp the general direction of enterprise development more scientifically and effectively. Starting from this issue, “China Petroleum and Chemical Industry” will conduct regular follow-up analysis on the economic operation of the whole industry and the price movements of bulk products to readers.
目的研究地尔硫(艹卓)和硝普钠控制性降压对减少手术出血和心率的影响.方法 30例由同一组外科医生行腰椎椎板减压和脊柱内固定手术的患者随机分为2组:地尔硫(艹卓)组(n=16)和
目的克隆肾癌G250抗原蛋白多糖(PG)区cDNA,为制备G250杂交瘤及抗G250的单克隆抗体奠定基础。方法从肾癌细胞786-0中提取总RNA,以RT-PCR方法扩增出全长360 bp的G250抗原PG区cD
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人在心情烦躁时,应及时纾解,不然很可能诱发焦虑症、抑郁症等心理疾病。症状严重者,还需及时寻求心理医生的帮助,以尽快恢复到良好的身心状态。研究显示,食物能帮人甩掉坏情绪。  1.吃蛋白质丰富的食物。当人们出现烦躁不安、好发脾气等症状时,应强化对心脏的养护。多喝牛奶,多吃豆制品、鸡肉、瘦肉等,适当补充身体营养。  2.多吃稀饭。早、晚餐时多喝粥,午餐时喝点汤。煮粥时可以加些荷叶,具有消解暑热、养胃清肠