
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhy724458069
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南昌起义后,起义军撤离南昌开始南征。途中,遭到强大敌人的围攻,起义军严重受挫。1927年10月下旬,朱德、陈毅等率余部2500余人来到赣南的安远县天心圩。为了尽快改变这支刚刚由旧军队脱胎的武装力量的政治素质和军事素质,朱德、陈毅决定对部队进行整顿。 一、天心圩整顿 主要从思想上整顿。天心圩是一个有200余户居民的圩镇,南昌起义军到时天色已晚。为了不惊动群众,朱德命令部队露宿河滩上。这支队伍秋毫无犯的军纪,让人民群众感慨万千,解除了因反动派造谣而产生的疑虑,纷纷送粮送物到部队。这也使起义军中大部分从旧军队过来的官兵受到一次深刻的教育,看到了共产党领导的军队前途之所在。 由于战斗连连失利,艰苦的斗争环境使一些官兵对革命悲观失望,离队逃跑的现象不断发生,特别是原来有实权的中高级军官相继离去,2500余人的队伍只剩800余人。此时,朱德主持召开了军 Nanchang uprising, the rebel army retreated to Nanchang Nanzheng. On the way, they were besieged by mighty enemies and the rebel forces suffered a serious setback. In late October 1927, more than 2,500 people, including Zhu De and Chen Yi, came to Tianxinwei, Anyuan County, in southern Jiangxi Province. In order to change as soon as possible the political and military qualities of this newly armed force that had been demolished by the old army, Zhu De and Chen Yi decided to rectify their troops. First, Tian Xin Wei rectification mainly from the ideological rectification. Tianxin Wei is a town of more than 200 residents of Wei Nanchang rebel army arrived when the weather was late. In order not to disturb the masses, Zhu ordered the troops to sleep on the floodplain. This army of military discipline in autumn makes the people with emotion and lifted the doubts arising from the rumors of the reactionaries that they have sent grain to the army. It also gave a deep education to the majority of the rebel forces who came from the old army and saw the future of the armed forces led by the Communist Party. Due to the successive defeat of the fighting, the hard-fought fighting environment has disappointed some officers and men of the pessimistic attitude toward the revolution and escaping from the army. In particular, senior and mid-level military officers who actually had the power to leave left more than 800 with a contingent of over 2,500 troops. At this moment, Zhu De presided over the army
仅一个半月的时间,只有4个人的美国网络联盟公司(NetworkAssociates Inc.,NAI)北京办事处就创造了130万美元的营业额,是什么销售技巧使得他们在这样短短的时间内取得如此骄
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据3月份全国重点70家水泥厂、23家平板玻璃厂的统计: 水泥 本月完成产量477.03万t,同比增长18.43%。累计产量1131.39万t,同比增长7.08%。本月共销售水泥478.48万t,同比增长15.