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一、关於高初中课本问题关于初中课本课本第十一节“汉初经济的发展”叙述:“刘邦……他和他手下一班大臣,大半都是农民出身,在政策上多少能适应农民的要求,如租税减少到十五分之一,後来更减少为三十分之一,劳役也大量减少,政府以尽量让农民自由发展他们的经济,少干涉人民生活为主要政策。”根据史书的记载,刘邦本是一个小地主出身,他的父亲和诸兄都善治产业,所以他才能做到沛县亭长。当他打败项羽後,很快的又建立起地主阶级剥削统治。但他即位的初年,所以要采取“休养生息”的政策,并不是由於他出身农民便能适应农民的要求,其主要目的还是为着巩固他们地主阶级政权。因为西汉初年社会残破与经济困竭已到了十分严重的程度,迫使他们不得不向人民让步,不然怕农民革命再起,而要蹈秦朝的覆辙,因此西汉初年社会经济能够得着一些发展,应该归功於秦末农民革命,正如毛主席指示我们:“每次农民暴动与农民战争的结果,都打击了封建统治,因而也就要变动了社会的生产。”第十二节“另一个农民起义与另一个汉朝”叙述西汉末农民起义云:“当时主要的农民起义军有铜马、赤眉、新市、平林等部”。没有提到绿林兵,当时新市(今孝感)人王匡王凤在绿林山(今当阳县境)起义,称绿林兵,破官军,不久聚众数万,後分两枝,王常略南郡,称下江兵,王匡王凤略南阳,称新市兵,当新市兵攻随县时,平林人陈牧聚众起义响应,号平林兵,大地主刘秀就是投到平林军中,为了保护自己财产,伪装参加革命的,所以说绿林兵是当时南方农民起义军的基础,课本未提,似乎是一个疏漏。又本节叙述“王莽政变与农民起义”开始这样写:“王太后的姪儿王莽想夺取汉家的统治,要取得人民的拥护,便把多年无法解决的土地问题提出改革办法,作为推倒刘家政权建立‘新’国统治的号召。”这里把王莽变政当作一个孤立的事件来看,主要以王莽个人主观愿望为主因,而忘掉了这次 First, on the textbook of junior high school textbooks on junior high school textbook on the eleventh “Economic Development in early Han Dynasty,” Narrative: “Liu Bang and his men, a group of ministers, mostly farmers origin, how much policy can adapt to the farmers If the tax is reduced to one-fifteenth and then to one-thirtieth, the amount of servitude will also be greatly reduced. The government will try its best to let peasants freely develop their economy and intervene less in the people’s livelihood as their main policy. ”According to history books Records, Liu Bangben is a small landowners background, his father and brothers are good governance industry, so he can do peixian pavilion long. When he defeated Xiang Yu, he quickly established the landlord class to exploit the rule. However, since he took the throne in his first year, he did not adopt the policy of “recuperating and recuperating” because the peasants and peasants of his family were not able to meet the requirements of peasants. The main purpose of his policy was to consolidate their landlord class power. Because the social disintegration and economic hardships in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty had reached a very serious level, forcing them to give way to the people, or to fend off the peasant revolution and to repeat the mistakes made by the Qin Dynasty. Therefore, the social economy in the early Western Han Dynasty was able to achieve some development , Should be attributed to the peasant revolution in late Qin Dynasty, just as Chairman Mao instructed us: “Every peasant riot and the result of the peasant war have dealt a blow to the feudal rule and thus have changed the social production.” Section XII “Another Peasant Uprising and Another Han Dynasty ”Narrating the Peasant Uprising at the End of the Western Han Dynasty:“ At that time, the major peasant uprising army was bronze horse, red eyebrow, new city, and plain forest. ” Green Lin Bing did not mention, when the new city (now Xiaogan) Wang Kuang Wang Feng in the Greenwood Hill (now the county seat) uprising, said Green Lin Bing, breaking the army, soon gathered tens of thousands, after two points, Wang Chang slightly South County , Said the next Jiang Bing, Wang Wang Wang slightly Nanyang, said the new city soldiers, when the new city soldier attack with the county, Ping Lin Chen mob gather uprising response, No. Ping Lin Bing, landowners Liu Xiu is cast into the Ping Lin Jun, in order to protect Own property, disguised to participate in the revolution, so that Green Linbing was the basis of the Southern Peasant Rebellion, textbooks did not mention, it seems to be an omission. This section also describes the “Wang Mang coup and the peasant uprising” began: “Wang Taihou’s prince, Wang Mang, wants to seize control of the Han family. To gain the support of the people, he put forward a solution to the problem of land that can not be solved for years, The establishment of a ”new“ state power by the regime has called for a ”new“ state. ”Viewing Wang Mang’s political transformation as an isolated event here, Wang Mang’s personal subjective desire was the main reason and forgetting this time
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