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  Pick your favorite movie: The one you tell everyone you like, the movie you put on your OKCupid注1 and Facebook profiles, the movie you talk about on a first date. Now pick the movie you watch over and over, the movie from which you can recite[背诵] every line, your go-to-home-on-a-Saturday-nightand-I-don’t-care movie. Which one is actually your favorite movie?
  For me, the first answer would be something like Old School注2 or Shawshank Redemption注3. Something that made me fit in. But what I’d really be thinking was Because I Said So, a flop[失败] of a romantic comedy starring none other than Diane Keaton注4, who tries to set her daughter up with the right man. It’s that bad. There’s a reason I don’t usually share this publicly[公然地]. And to be honest, I had to go to my Facebook profile to remember what my favorite socially acceptable[可接受的] movies were.
  For some of us, the two movies we’d choose may be the same. But for most of us — myself included — they’re different. So what is it about sharing something publicly that’s different than when it’s between me and my close friends? Sharing information between two people used to be about giving a part of yourself away. Now, I’m wondering if it’s about crafting[精巧地制作] a persona[人格面具].
  Growing up, going on sleepovers注5 and playing on the playground, there was this idea of reciprocity[互惠]. A social contract[社会契约] in sharing. You tell me your secret, and I’ll tell you mine. That’s all different in 2015 because we have an audience. Sharing used to be an exchange; now it’s a declaration[宣布].
  The Internet is supposed to be a place where everyone can be themselves and find like-minded[志趣相投的] people. But what we’re seeing right now is a faux[虚假的] intimacy[亲密]. We think we know people so much better because of the Internet, and the information it puts at our fingertips, but we really know them less. We know only what they put out there about themselves. In 2015, you are what you share.
  It takes courage to be genuine[真实的]. And it takes real courage to be genuine on the Internet, where everyone is a critic[批评家], a cynic[愤世嫉俗的人], and a comedian. So if you are what you share, do you have the courage to be real?
  This matters. There’s something at stake[处于危险中] here. It’s easy not to know people, and to not be known by people on the Internet. Think about the push for using real names as opposed to anonymous[匿名的] avatars[替身] on social networks. It used to be that you would come home from work, sign onto message boards, and be someone else — escape. Now, you have to be yourself everywhere.   Reddit is one of the only places left to be someone else and hide behind a different persona. It’s probably the best community on the Internet. It’s where people talk openly about what matters most to them and aren’t afraid of the consequences[后果] or of how they’ll be perceived[认为]. All hell breaks loose when we find out who people like ViolentAcrez really are. Everything changes when you feel like your personal identity[个人身份] is at stake. We refuse[拒绝] to put our real names on things that matter.
  But here’s why we should: The payoff[回报] is so worth it. I’ve met best friends, mentors[导师], heroes, and future colleagues on social networks like Twitter, where I try to be 100% myself — insecurities[不安全] and all. And believe me, this is hard. It can blow up[爆发] in your face[公开地,咄咄逼人地]. That’s OK. I was being genuine, and I don’t regret it. Trust me, the good of being open and honest about who we are will far outweigh[超过] the bad.
  So think about where you can be more real. How can we get rid of this faux intimacy, find ways to express our vulnerabilities[缺陷], and put ourselves out there even when our names are attached[附加]?
  注1: OKcupid是美国一个知名的在线约会和社交网络平台,在美国具有强大的影响力。Okcupid提供“基于地理位置的约会”,吸引了无数的年轻人。
  注2:《单身男子俱乐部》(Old School,2003年)是一部讲述三个大学死党在毕业多年后重新住在一起的喜剧电影。
  注3:《肖申克的救赎》(Shawshank Redemption,1994年)是由著名作家斯蒂芬·金的原著改编而成的经典电影,被互联网电影资料库(IMDb)选为“250佳片”中的第一名,并入选美国电影学会20世纪百大电影清单。
  注4: 戴安·基顿是美国电影演员、导演和制作人,曾获得第50届奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。
  注5: Sleepover指(小孩)在朋友家过夜的晚会。
这是一首关于平凡生活的真理,言辞诙谐幽默,耐人寻味。但毕竟这是外国人写的,由于存在文化及生活背景的差异,所以小编初看这首诗,其实有许多句子是不理解的。不过请教完外教Simon后,我才深刻体会到作者笔下的幽默。再次细细读来,不觉感叹生活的每个阶段都有其特别的魅力,在忙碌的生活中,我们需要多点时间去思考品味生活的真谛!  (Tracy)    Great Truths About Life That
单亲家庭所引发的诸多问题已不是什么新鲜话题了,不可否认,由于缺少父母的悉心照顾,单亲家庭的孩子更容易误入歧途。本文的主人公虽然也来自单亲家庭,但他却在孤独中学会独立,在无助中学会自助。烹饪一份完美的鸡肉派让他学会了自制,变得稳重。但其中的美味,却也只能独自品尝,些许无奈,些许感慨。  (Tracy)    Eighteen minutes and thirty-two seconds. This
A 1)string quartet plays in the background as I listen to a famous New Age 2)guru perform a wedding ceremony on a 3)Malibu cliff.  The guru is marrying two friends of mine who met in an acting class l