Interior decoration design analysis

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  Abstract:With the development of modern,more and more people pay attention to interior decoration design. The interior decoration industry driven by economic development needs more innovation points to meet the development needs. It should pay attention to the selection of design elements and the promotion of decorative components,and analyze the trend of innovation points. This paper analyzes the characteristics of design elements in interior decoration design,and completes the whole design process by analyzing and processing the new design elements.
  Key words:Interior decoration;Design;Trend;
  1.Features of modern interior Decoration:
  1.1 Relative comfort of interior decoration design:
  Interior design space has the characteristics of privacy to the relatively closed space. To make the interior space more comfortable,we should consider the requirements of space,performance,hobbies,life,occupation and so on. The core of interior space is people,and the design principle is to meet people's comfort. The design goal is to comprehensively improve the quality of people's living environment. The sensory feeling of the subjective feeling of the space should be the main consideration of the designer.
  1.2 Ecology of interior decoration design:
  The premise of ecologization is that all things in nature are connected together. In the application of indoor space,we should pay attention to the principle of ecological balance of sustainable development,construct the ecological cycle in the interior space,bid farewell to the original rational design concept,design natural plants in the interior space,consider the space level demand,plant configuration needs to have identification,use plant configuration to distinguish space form,achieve Interior space integration form.
  2.Analysis of current situation of mainstream design:
  2.1 Vertical texture
  In the new season,the popular corrugated material board has become the representative of vertical texture. The vertical popular elements,patterns and texture decoration are used in the interior wall design to increase the vividness of the wall. The vertical texture wall is placed in the background,and the simple and smooth vertical line design gives a sense of space extension.
  2.2 Japandi style
  Japanese style is a breakthrough in interior design style. Style is the combination of Japanese and Scandinavian. This style combines the simplicity of northern Europe with the aesthetics of Japanese silence,integrates the regularity of Japanese decoration with the randomness of Nordic style from the aspects of exquisite decoration,traditional crafts and natural materials,so as to feel the temperature of simple,comfortable and warm life.
  The whole interior design process requires to understand the influence of space elements,color,light and shadow,decoration elements on the whole space,and carefully analyze the space design requirements of indoor space function,safety,economy and feasibility. This paper carries on the simple characteristic analysis to the interior decoration design,and carries on the analysis to the following interior design trend.
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摘要:新媒体的兴起及课堂应用,给当前的大学生思想政治教育带来了较大的冲击,高校教师需要结合当前的新媒体环境,对大学生思想政治教育模式进行创新与探索,以提高大学生的思想政治教育水平。  关键词:新媒体;大学生;思想政治教育;  受制于条件的限制,传统的大学生思想政治教育多局限于课本的理论知识,教授起来较为枯燥,不易被学生理解和接受,长此以往导致学生对思想政治教育课程缺乏兴趣,故而如何在新媒体环境下,
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摘要:抗日战争时期,陈云在开展政治动员工作时,十分重视发挥党的基层组织作用,倡导政治动员要依法而行,强调政治动员要贴近群众生活,这些思想理念对于当前我国国家建设与管理仍有着重要的指导价值。  关键词:抗日战争时期;陈云;政治动员思想;现实启示  政治动员是指政治领导主体应用自己的价值观、信仰去诱导、说服政治领导客体,并获得其认同、支持,自愿服从领导,主动配以完成政治决策规定的各项目标与任务的过程。
摘要:当前,我国社会经济快速发展,高校若想为社会输出更多的优质人才,就需要不断加强自身的管理工作,落实思想政治教育的重要任务。但此前传统的学生管理工作已经难以满足快速发展的社会发展需要。故而在此背景下,高校就应对行政管理工作与思想政治教育工作的重要性进行充分的重视,并通过采取合适的措施,对二者进行有效的结合,以此营造良好的校园环境,推动各项教学活动的顺利进行。  关键词:高校行政管理;思想政治,思