
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzzwj
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The chemistry of major cations (Mg2+,Ca2+,Na+,and K+) and anions (HCO3-,SO42-,and Cl-) in the water of Lake Pumayum Co and its inflow river was studied,revealing the obvious ionic difference among various inflow rivers and the lake. The chemical type of the lake water was Mg2+-Ca2+-HCO3--SO42+,but the major ions of the main inflow rivers were Ca2+-Mg2+-HCO3-. In the lake inlet of Jiaqu River,the main inflow river,there was significant variance of water chemistry within the depth less than 2 m. However,it was almost homo-geneous at other area of the lake. Therefore,with the evidence of distribution of water chem-istry and oxygen isotope of lake water,a conclusion can be outlined that Jiaqu River had a distinct effect on the hydrochemistry of the water on the submerged delta,whereas this is not the case for other rivers. The Gibbs plot revealed that the dominant mechanism responsible for controlling chemical compositions of the lake water was rocks weathering in the drainage area. Ion ratios and ternary plots further explored the main processes controlling the water chemistry of the catchment,i.e.,carbonate weathering,pyrite weathering,and silicate weathering. The different hydrochemistry characteristics between river water and lake water may result from the CaCO3 precipitation. The findings will benefit the explanation of the environmental significance of carbonate in paleolimnological studies in the lake. The chemistry of major cations (Mg2 +, Ca2 +, Na +, and K +) and anions (HCO3-, SO42-, and Cl-) in the water of Lake Pumayum Co and its inflow river was studied, revealing the obvious ionic difference among various inflow The chemical type of the lake water was Mg2 + -Ca2 + -HCO3-SO42 +, but the major ions of the main inflow rivers were Ca2 + -Mg2 + -HCO3-. In the lake inlet of Jiaqu River, the main inflow River, there was significant variance of water chemistry within the depth less than 2 m. However, it was almost homo-geneous at other area of ​​the lake. Thus, with the evidence of distribution of water chem-istry and oxygen isotope of lake water , a conclusion can be outlined that Jiaqu River had a distinct effect on the hydrochemistry of the water on the submerged delta, and this this not the case for other rivers. The Gibbs plot revealed that the dominant mechanism responsible for controlling chemical compositions of the lake water was rocks weathering in the drainage area. Ion ra tios and ternary plots further explored the main processes controlling the water chemistry of the catchment, ie, carbonate weathering, pyrite weathering, and silicate weathering. The different hydrochemistry characteristics between river water and lake water may result from the CaCO3 precipitation. The findings will benefit the explanation of the environmental significance of carbonate in paleolimnological studies in the lake.
马谡字幼常,他以荆州从事的身份随刘备入蜀,官拜绵竹成都令、越隽太守。《三国志·蜀书·马谡传》上说他才能过人,喜欢谈论军事谋略,丞相诸葛亮对他特别器重,每逢召见他,和他在一起谈论常常是“自昼达夜”。  建兴三年,诸葛亮率兵出征南中(包括当时的益州、永昌、越隽、牂牁四郡)讨伐雍闿,临行时马谡送他几十里。诸葛亮对马谡说,我们在一起谋事多年,如今希望你能够提出更多的宝贵意见。马谡回答说,南中的叛乱势力,凭
把火辣辣的眼睛朝西看 ,那里有辽阔的热土一片。勤劳质朴的各民族父老乡亲 ,激发起千重炽烈的思念。丝绸之路上驼铃声声 ,载着华夏繁荣文明越走越远。还有那天苍苍野茫茫的塞
1 肺结核在国内外流行的现况众所周知,肺结核是由结核分枝杆菌引起的一种呼吸系统传染病。在我国《传染病防治法》中列为丙类传染病的首位。肺结核,近几年,在国内外的患病率
武汉是我国中部地区惟一特大中心城市,现辖13个行政区、两个国家级开发区和两个国家级科技产业园,总面积8494平方公里,人口830万,有86个街道、1076个社区。 近年来,我市坚持